

Example Marketplace Integration

Welcome to the Example Marketplace Integration. This repository contains a reference implementation for a Vercel Marketplace Integration.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the code to your machine.
$ git clone [email protected]:vercel/example-marketplace-integration.git example-marketplace-integration
Cloning into 'example-marketplace-integration'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 318, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (81/81), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (57/57), done.
remote: Total 318 (delta 29), reused 53 (delta 15), pack-reused 237
Receiving objects: 100% (318/318), 120.25 KiB | 552.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (120/120), done.
  1. Deploy the example Marketplace integration to your Vercel team.

$ cd example-marketplace-integration
$ vc link
Vercel CLI 33.5.5
? Set up “~/src/example-marketplace-integration”? [Y/n] y
? Which scope should contain your project? My Team
? Link to existing project? [y/N] n
? What’s your project’s name? example-marketplace-integration
? In which directory is your code located? ./
Local settings detected in vercel.json:
Auto-detected Project Settings (Next.js):
- Build Command: next build
- Development Command: next dev --port $PORT
- Install Command: `yarn install`, `pnpm install`, `npm install`, or `bun install`
- Output Directory: Next.js default
? Want to modify these settings? [y/N] n
  Linked to my-team-name/example-marketplace-integration (created .vercel)
  1. Add your INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID and INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET to your Vercel project. You can find these values on your Integration in the Integrations Console. If you do not have an existing Vercel integration, please create one.
$ vercel env add INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID
Vercel CLI 33.5.5
? What’s the value of INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID? my-client-id
? Add INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID to which Environments (select multiple)? Production, Preview, Development
  Added Environment Variable INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID to Project example-marketplace-integration [234ms]
Vercel CLI 33.5.5
? What’s the value of INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET? my-secret
? Add INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET to which Environments (select multiple)? Production, Preview, Development
  Added Environment Variable INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET to Project example-marketplace-integration [211ms]
  1. On your Vercel project, visit the Storage tab (Vercel Dashboard > (Your Project) > Storage tab) and create a new Vercel KV database. You should be prompted to connect your new store to your project, if not, connect it manually. Once connected, you should see the KV_URL, KV_REST_API_URL, KV_REST_API_TOKEN, KV_REST_API_READ_ONLY_TOKEN environment variables in your project. This database is used to store state for your example marketplace integration.
  1. Return to your Vercel Integration in the Integrations Console and update the Marketplace Integration Settings (near the bottom of the page).
  1. In the same Marketplace Integration Settings, create a product for your Vercel Integration using the "Create Product" button. A "product" maps to your own products you want to sell on Vercel. Depending on the product type (e.g. storage), the Vercel dashboard will understand how to interact with your product.
  • Fill out relevant metadata for your product like product name and logo.
  1. If you created a "storage" product type, you should be able to:
  • Create a database for your product in the Storage tab via the "Create Store" button.
  • View and manage your new database for your product.;
  • When you've created a database, you should be able to click the "Open in " button on the store detail page to open the database on your integration's dashboard.
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