
💪 A PWA for daily tracking and progress of a 30-day pushup routine.


💪 flexin Commitizen friendly

A PWA for daily tracking and progress of a 30-day pushup routine.

Getting Started


Copy the .env.example file to an .env file at the root of the directory.


First, let's spin up containers for a Postgres DB and a fake SMTP server. The SMTP server is used for the passwordless login via email:

docker-compose up -d

Let's also open up a new browser tab at http://localhost:3080. This is the SMTP email client interface we'll use to receive emails outgoing from the application.


We'll need to generate the Prisma client so let's run a migration using the initial migration file to setup our Postgres DB.

npx prisma migrate dev

Running this command will apply the initial migration to setup the database as well as generate the Prisma client that's used in the application.


Next, let's spin up our Next.js app

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser.


This app has an authentication wall and so you will be directed to the signin page and asked for an email. Enter the email and submit, you'll be navigated to a verification page asking for the one time code. Navigate back to the SMTP email client tab and open the email. The email will contain the code you need to enter on the verification page.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js: React framework
  • NextAuth.js: authentication for Next.js
  • Prisma: database ORM
  • Postgres: our database
  • Nodemailer: email client
  • Tailwind: CSS framework
  • TypeScript: typing system
  • ESLint: JavaScript linter
  • Prettier: code formatter
  • Husky: git hooks for pre-commit linting, testing
  • Commitizen: CLI for enforcing commit message conventions
Extracted from project README
Commitizen friendly
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