
🚀 The i18n-openai NPM package simplifies and accelerates the translation of i18n JSON files using the power of OpenAI's language capabilities.

MIT License


🚀 i18n-openai

Table of contents

Getting started


There is two variants of installing a package. Either install it for a certain project to dev dependencies or install it globally.

Installing to dev dependencies:

Install using yarn:

yarn add i18n-openai -D

Install using npm:

npm i i18n-openai --save-dev

Create config file (optional)

You can add your custom config by creating i18n-openai.config.json. If no config file would be provided, default config would be used 👇

module.exports = {
    skipLocales: [], // (optional)
    mainLocale: 'en', // (optional)
    pathToLocalesFolders: 'public/locales', // (optional)
    'Return content translated to {0}. Keep all sequences /n. Keep all special characters. Do not return any additional information, return only translated text.', // (optional)

If config file is provided, but some of the variables from config are not provided, then default values would be used.

Add OpenaAI API key to .env

In order to use OpenAI translation, the key must be provided in .env file.



If you have installed package in dev dependencies, then run:

npx i18n-openai 

⚠️ If no arguments are provided. i18n-openai will translate all files for all locales, except mainLocale provided in config.

Possible arguments


Use -locales to specify locales for translation. The separator is ,:

npx i18n-openai -locales ar,cs,de
npx i18n-openai -locales de


Use -files to specify files for translation(files are being taken from main locale folder). The separator is ,:

npx i18n-openai -files firstFile.json,secondFile.json
npx i18n-openai -files test.json

To see list of all available arguments in terminal use -h

npx i18n-openai -h

Arguments can be combined (order of arguments does not matter):

npx i18n-openai -files firstFile.json,secondFile.json -locales ar,de

Configuration Options

property description type
skipLocales(optional) Locales which will not be translated(Default: []) string[]
mainLocale (optional) From what locale translation would be. (Default: en) string
pathToLocalesFolders (optional) Relative path to locales folder (Default: public/locales) string
customPrompt(optional) see section custom prompt string

Custom prompt

You can specify your custom prompt to use with OpenAI for translation. Custom prompt should contain {0} sequence. Language is being replaced by {0} once request to OpenaAI is being made.

Default custom prompt: Return content translated to {0}. Keep all sequences /n. Keep all special characters. Do not return any additional information, return only translated text.


All PRs are welcome :)