
SecureShare is a tutorial and reference implementation of a one-time-use message sharing web-app, developed using Next.JS 14, TypeScript, Prisma, and styled with Tailwind CSS


Secure Share web-app

Important Note: This project is part of an in-person tutorial series and serves as a reference implementation for educational purposes. The goal is to demonstrate how to build a simple product with real-world utility beyond academic exercises. It is not intended for production use.

SecureShare is a tutorial and reference implementation of a one-time-use message sharing web-app, developed using Next.JS 14, TypeScript, Prisma, and styled with Tailwind CSS

Core functionality

  • Messages are encrypted directly on the sender's device (browser) before being sent, so the server only receives and stores encrypted data without ever accessing the encryption key.
  • After storing the encrypted message, the server generates a unique retrieval key and returns it to the sender. The sender then creates a unique URL that includes this retrieval key and appends the encryption key in the URL's anchor (the part after '#'). Since the anchor is not transmitted to the server during HTTP requests, the server remains unaware of the encryption key.
  • Recipients use this unique URL to retrieve the encrypted message from the server and decrypt it using the encryption key embedded in the URL's anchor.
  • Once the message is viewed, it is automatically marked as read and its content is overwritten on the server, ensuring that it can only be accessed once.

See Sequence diagram below for a detailed overview of the process

Technology Stack:

Framework: Next.js 14
 Language: TypeScript
      ORM: Prisma (for PostgreSQL)
  Styling: Tailwind CSS

System requirements

  • Node.js (16.x or later) or Bun (1.1 or later)
  • PostgreSQL (13.x or later)

Recommended tools

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Postman
  • Chrome


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:johanns/ref-secure-share.git
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install


bun install
  1. Create a .env file in the project root and add the following environment variables:

NOTE: Replace <username>, <password>, and <database> with your PostgreSQL credentials.

  1. Run the Prisma migration:
npx prisma migrate dev


bun run prisma migrate dev
  1. Run the development server:
npm run dev


bun run dev
  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Project directory structure and core files

├── migrations/ -- Database migration files
└── schema.prisma -- Prisma schema definition

├── app
│   ├── api
│   │   └── message
│   │       ├── route.ts -- Message creation endpoint (POST)
│   │       └── [stub]
│   │           └── route.ts -- Message retrieval endpoint (GET, DELETE)
│   ├── layout.tsx -- Application layout
│   ├── page.tsx -- Message creation page
│   └── [stub]
│       └── page.tsx -- Message retrieval page
├── assets
│   └── css
│       └── globals.css
├── lib
│   ├── crypto.ts - Client-side encryption/decryption functions
│   ├── modelValidationError.ts - Model validation error handler
│   └── prisma.ts - Prisma client initialization
└── models
    └── message.ts - Message model

Sequence diagram

Compose (happy path)


    Sender->>Server: GET / <br/>
    Server-->>Sender: Render <br /> /app/page.tsx

    note over Sender,Server: On form submit
    Sender->>Sender: Generate encryption key <br /> /lib/crypto.ts
    Sender->>Sender: Encrypt data <br /> /lib/crypto.ts
    Sender->>+Server: Submit encrypted form data

    Server<<-->>Database: Find unique retrieval stub <br /> /models/message.ts
    Server<<-->>Database: Store encrypted form data <br /> /models/message.ts
    Server-->>-Sender: Render JSON: {stub: stub}

    Sender->>Sender: Construct retrieval URL <br /> (stub + key)

    note over Sender,Server: Show retrieval URL

Retrieve (happy path)


    Recipient->>+Server: GET /<stub> <br /> /app/[stub]/page.tsx
    Server-->>-Recipient: Render page

    note over Recipient,Server: On page load <br /> useEffect(...)

    Recipient->>+Server: GET /api/message/[stub] <br /> /app/api/message/[stub]/route.ts
    Server<<-->>Database: Find encrypted data <br /> /models/message.ts
    Server<<-->>Database: Mark message as read <br /> /models/message.ts
    Server-->>-Recipient: Render JSON: {data: encryptedData}

    Recipient->>Recipient: Extract key from URL <br /> /lib/crypto.ts
    Recipient->>Recipient: Decrypt data <br /> /lib/crypto.ts

    note over Recipient,Server: Show decrypted data or already read notice