
Material UI: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design.

MIT License

material-ui - v0.14.3

Published by hai-cea over 8 years ago

Breaking Changes

Note that these are not essentially breaking changes.
Unless you have used these implementation details in your code.

  • [Internal] Remove controllable.js mixin (#2889)
  • [Internal] Remove mergeAndPrefix() (#2886)
  • [Internal] Remove utils/extend.js (#2933)
  • [Internal] Remove utils/immutability-helper.js (#2907)
  • [Examples] Move DateTimeFormat polyfill to the example (#3024)
  • [Docs] Add title and description to code examples, thanks to @mbrookes's hard work (#2927)
  • [Docs] Add a showcase section (#2910)
  • [Docs] Hide code examples by default (#2911)
  • [Docs] Add Cloudcraft to Showcase (#3036)
  • [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
    1. TimePicker
    2. Table
    3. Switches
    4. Buttons
    5. AutoComplete
    6. Popover
    7. IconMenu
  • Added the following eslint rules:
    1. Extend eslint:recommended (#2854)
    2. one-var (#2855)
    3. brace-style (#2855)
    4. react/jsx-pascal-case (#2953)
    5. react/jsx-max-props-per-line (#2953)
    6. react/jsx-closing-bracket-location (#2953)
    7. jsx-equals-spacing (#3035)
  • [Performance] Fix V8 deopt, leakage of arguments (#2876)
  • [ServerSideRendering] Make userAgent contexual (#3009)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [Slider] Avoid selection when dragging (#2827)
  • [Snackbar] Execute onDimiss callback after snackbar has closed (#2881)
  • [Table] Don't use for...of on table children (#2904)
  • [RenderToLayer] Fix leaking of event (#2935)
  • [FlatButton] Fix shared memory property modification (#2964)
  • [DatePicker] Add firstDayOfWeek and days abbreviations (#2899)
  • [ListItem] Added nestedItemStyle prop (#2990)
  • [ListItem] when disabled, className is ignored (#2723)
  • [EnhancedButton] Make keyup event respect disableKeyboardFocus (#3000)
  • [Dialog] Fix overlay scroll for nested dialogs (#2893)
  • [SvgIcons] Remove fill attributes (#3034)
  • [Paper] Allow the box shadow color to be changed (#3003)
  • [DropDownIcon] Will be removed with 0.15.0 (#2994)
material-ui - v0.14.2

Published by hai-cea almost 9 years ago

  • [CRITICAL] Fix imports using require() style syntax (#2804) thanks @newoga
  • [Examples] Upgrade to babel 6 for browserify (#2795)
  • [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
    1. RefreshIndicator
    2. Icon
    3. Lists
    4. Progress
    5. Sliders
    6. Paper
    7. Menus
  • Added the following eslint rules:
    1. react/jsx-indent (#2808)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [DatePicker] Update slide direction (#2791)
  • [AutoComplete] Add 2 extra filters for text matching (#2755)
  • [TableRow] Fix row height in IE (#2812)
material-ui - v0.14.1

Published by hai-cea almost 9 years ago

Breaking changes
  • Upgrade to babel v6 (#2620, #2709)
  • [Docs] Improve the performance of the production build (#2680)
  • [Docs] Improve the AppLeftNav for mobile (#2690)
  • [Docs] Use a single LeftNav (#2721)
  • [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
    1. DatePicker
    2. GridList
    3. SelectField
    4. IconButton
  • Added the following eslint rules:
    1. react/sort-comp (#2774, #2776)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [MenuItem] Fix icon position (#2661)
  • [SelectableList] Recursively extend children (#2320)
  • [SelectField] Add hintStyle (#2710)
  • [EnhancedButton] Avoid rendering <a> element (#2708)
  • [LeftNav] Only transition the transform property (#2730)
  • [TextField] Fix errorText when using multiLine (#2742)
  • [TimePicker] Update am/pm buttons (#2757)
material-ui - v0.14.0

Published by hai-cea almost 9 years ago

The changes in 0.14.0-rc1 and 0.14.0-rc2 are also included as part of this release.
Have a look at them as well.

  • [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
    1. Tabs
    2. Snackbar
    3. DropDownMenu
    4. Card
  • Added the following eslint rules:
    1. key-spacing (#2552)
  • [SvgIcon] Improved the code generation tasks (#2606)
  • [ES6] Use module everywhere (#2614)
  • Added a temporary bootstrap project for ReactNative to pave the way for ReactNative support (#2611)
  • Clean up CSS classes (#2630)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [SelectField] [TextField] Fixed error styling issue (#2539)
  • [TextField] Implemented optional underline (#2476)
  • [AutoComplete] Migrated to use popover (#2634)
  • [DropDownMenu] [SelectField] Deprecated menuItems, these components are now composable. (#2565)
material-ui - v0.14.0-rc2

Published by hai-cea almost 9 years ago

Breaking Changes
  • [Menu] Depreciation of the old menu, introduces a very small breaking change (#2443)
  • [Dialog] Removed deprecated API (#2396)
  • zIndex, rework them to be more coherent (#2444)
  • Decoupled Popover animation from the component to increase flexibility (#2367)
  • [Tests] Migrated tests to use the new react-addons-test-utils package (#2401)
  • [Docs] Improvements to the documentation site (#2426, #2421, #2438, #2479, #2508)
  • [Docs] Migrated the following pages to use the new documentation standard:
    1. [AppBar] - (#2382) also where the new standard was introduced by @oliviertassinari
    2. [Avatar] - (#2407)
    3. [Toolbars] - (#2415)
    4. [Badge] - (#2489)
    5. [Dialog] - (#2483)
    6. [LeftNav] - (#2507)
  • Added the following eslint rules:
    1. react/jsx-indent-props (#2377)
    2. max-len (#2381)
    3. wrap-multilines (#2419)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [Card] Use preventDefault() when handling expansion (#2495)
  • [CardHeader] Made avatar property optional (#2397)
  • [Checkbox] Now updates it's state when checked property changes (#2464)
  • [DatePicker] Fix year selection (#2410)
  • [Dialog] Added overlayStyle property (#2431)
  • [Dialog] Added width property (#2387)
  • [Divider] Initial implementation. Thanks to @newoga (#2473)
  • [DropDownMenu] Added menuStyle property (#2389)
  • [DropDownMenu] Now uses Popover (#2150)
  • [DropDownMenu] Now bubbles keyboard events (#2461)
  • [FlatButton] Adjusted background, hover and ripple colors (#2488)
  • [IconMenu] Added open and onRequestChange properties (#2383)
  • [ListItem] Added option to toggle nested list items on primary action (#2390)
  • [Menu] Fixed an error when children is only one child (#2402)
  • [Menu] Remove absolute positioning (#2455)
  • [Menu] Fixed issue when passed null children (#2429)
  • [SelectField] Fixed the propagation of underline styles (#2405)
  • [TableRow] Fixed a bug when unselectable rows could still be selected (#2503)
  • The old menu components under the material-ui/lib/menu folder (#2443)
  • The actions property of Dialog accepting a JSON is deprecated (#2483)
  • The menuItems of LeftNav and all the related properties are now deprecated in favor of composibility (#2507)
material-ui - v0.14.0-rc1

Published by shaurya947 almost 9 years ago

Breaking Changes
  • [IconMenu] removed openDirection prop in favor of anchorOrigin and targetOrigin (#2149)
  • Use ES6 import / export syntax over require (#2253, #2333, #2334)
  • Dialog render-to-layer version (#2129)
  • Add declarative props to LeftNav, deprecate methods (#2180, #2351)
  • Add linting to test files (#2273)
  • Support nested menu items using Popover (#2148)
  • [DropdownMenu] add labelMember prop (#2285)
  • Add new ESLint rules (#2293, #2314, #2319, #2348, #2360, #2365, #2366)
  • Add unit tests for Dialog (#2298)
  • [AutoComplete] Support changing searchText via props (#2306)
  • [AutoComplete] dataSource prop is of type array (#2286)
  • [AppBar] add titleStyle prop (#2324)
  • [TimePicker] update as per spec (#2358)
  • [Popover] add useLayerForClickAway prop (#2359)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Fix wrong proptype for value in RadioButton (#2276)
  • Make LeftNav swipeable only from far left / right (#2263)
  • [TextField] allow rowsMax prop to equal rows prop (#2312)
  • Fix Invariant Violation error in ClickAwayable mixin (#2296)
  • [DatePicker] fix calendarTextColor context key (#2318)
  • Fix and improve examples (#2344, #2345)
  • [Dropdown][SelectField] change value PropType to React.PropTypes.any (#2352)
  • [CardActions] prevent children styles from being overridden (#2361)
material-ui - v0.13.4

Published by shaurya947 almost 9 years ago

  • Introduced SelectableEnhance HOC to wrap List with valueLink (#1976)
  • Added color prop to LinearProgress and RefreshIndicator (#2206)
  • [AutoComplete] new component! (#2187) (thanks @yongxu)
  • [Table] added wrapperStyle prop to override table wrapper's styles (#2238)
  • Updated SVG icons (#2240)
  • [Table] added props for headerStyle, bodyStyle and footerStyle (#2246)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Fixed double ripple due to compat mouse down (#2216)
  • [RenderToLayer] iframe support for clickaway (#2210)
  • [TextField] Fixed floating label element not allowing focus (#2228)
  • [SelectField] onFocus and onBlur handlers passed to underlying TextField component (#2102)
material-ui - v0.13.3

Published by shaurya947 almost 9 years ago

  • [Snackbar] add bodyStyle prop to style child div (#2104)
  • [DatePicker] add container prop to display DatePicker in-line or inside Dialog (#2120 and #2153)
  • [AppBar] add relative positioning for z-index to take effect (#1478)
  • [AppBar] add onTitleTouchTap prop to AppBar (#2125)
  • [Popover] new component! (#2043) (thanks @chrismcv)
  • Split [SelectField] and [TextField] doc pages (#2161)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [SelectField] onChange triggered consistently when using value prop (#1610)
  • [Dialog] fix page scrolling behind dialog after resizing (#1946)
  • [DatePicker] fix calendar height (#2141)
  • [TimePicker] allow to set time to null (#2108)
material-ui - v0.13.2

Published by shaurya947 almost 9 years ago

  • Add tabs with slide effect (#1907)
  • Universal rendering support (#2007) (thanks @Cavitt)
  • Add labelPosition prop to buttons (#2014)
  • Add RenderToLayer component (#2042) (thanks @chrismcv)
  • Open state of of dialog now controlled through props (#1996)
    • openImmediately, show(), dismiss() deprecated
  • Update TextField docs (#2070)
  • New Badge component (#2045) (thanks @rhythnic)
  • Add import statements to components' docs pages (#2113)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Fix server side rendering (#2021)
  • Add key to TableHeaderColumn for selectAll (#2030)
  • Fix Circular Progress transition (#2047)
  • Fix Snackbar getting stuck when receiving new props (#2024)
  • iPad enhanced textarea fix (#1720)
  • Table clickAway triggers onRowSelection (#2054)
  • Theme color fixes for Slider and Toggle (#2016)
material-ui - v0.13.1

Published by shaurya947 almost 9 years ago

  • [SVGIcons] added index.js and index-generator script (#1959)
  • [TimePicker] openDialog() function (#1939) and autoOk prop (#1940) added
  • [DatePicker] i18n support added (#1658)
  • [LeftNav] supports nested children (w/o menuItems) (#1982)
  • [Snackbar] updated for new specification (#1668)
  • [Tabs] added tabTemplate prop (#1691)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • [TextArea] height issue fixed (#1875)
  • [GridList] doc added (#1948) with code examples (#1988)
  • [TextField] fixed custom theme color hiding backgroundColor (#1989)
  • [TimePicker] added style and textFieldStyle props (#1949)
  • [Card] text color is now pulled from theme (#1995)
material-ui - v0.13.0

Published by shaurya947 about 9 years ago

Breaking Changes
  • Material-UI for React 0.14.x
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • FloatingActionButton now has iconStyle prop (#1575)
  • Card title and subtitle props can be any node (#1950)
material-ui - v0.12.5

Published by shaurya947 about 9 years ago

v0.12.4 should have really been v0.13.0 as it breaks compatibility with React 0.13.3. This version fixes that. We reverted some commits (related to React 0.14.0 support) from v0.12.4 to bring to you v0.12.5 that works as expected.

Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • DatePicker performance has been improved (#1905)
  • Docs code now follows ESLint rules more strictly (#1778)
  • Removed duplicate keys in component definitions (#1933)
material-ui - v0.12.4

Published by shaurya947 about 9 years ago

This version is not compatible with React 0.13.x. If you're on React 0.13.x, use Material-UI v0.12.5 instead.

  • React 0.14 compatible
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • ThemeDecorator supports props (#1841)
  • Full RTL support included (#1674)
  • react-draggable dependency removed for Slider (#1825)
material-ui - v0.12.3

Published by shaurya947 about 9 years ago

Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Quick-fix version until react 0.14 support is somewhat stable
    • Changed react dependency to ~0.13 in package.json (#1836)
material-ui - V0.12.2

Published by shaurya947 about 9 years ago

  • NEW GridList component and documentation! Thanks to @igorbt (#1320)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Added back canvasColor to theme palette (#1762)
  • Added hintStyle prop to TextField (#1510)
  • Add isScrollbarVisible function to table (#1539)
  • Add rowsMax prop to EnhancedTextarea (#1562)
  • Tab "item three" renamed on docs site (#1775)
  • Fixed docs server to run on Windows (#1774)
  • FlatButton now has a backgroundColor prop (#1561)
  • Fixed DropdownMenu buggy value prop check (#1768)
material-ui - V0.12.1

Published by shaurya947 about 9 years ago

Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Fix broken documentation site
    • Fix theme display switch problem in doc (#1696)
    • Fix typo in src/card-expandable.jsx (#1724)
    • Fix broken link to v0.12.0 release tag
  • Use correct require calls
    • for react addons (#1729)
    • for raw themes (#1742)
  • Remove hard-coded color values from theme-manager
    • Use consistent values from raw theme (#1746)
material-ui - v0.12.0

Published by shaurya947 about 9 years ago

Breaking Changes
  • Theming has been re-done so that material-ui components can be used without having to worry about passing a theme (all components implement a default theme) (#1662)
    • There's now a concept of mui theme and raw theme, mui theme is produced from raw theme
    • ThemeManager has been changed, no longer needs new in call
    • ThemeManager produces mui theme from raw theme. Raw themes may be user-defined.
    • Functions in ThemeManager allow to modify theme variables. Component-level styles may be overriden in the mui theme.
    • See new documentation here
  • Function names in the context-pure mixin have been changed (#1711)
    • getContextProps() has been changed to getRelevantContextKeys()
  • Updated dependency of react-tap-event-plugin (#1714)
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Dialog component (#1717)
    • actions now has id property
    • Fixed a bug in dialog where a faulty check caused an error in console
    • Text field ipad scrolling in dialog
material-ui - v0.11.1

Published by hai-cea about 9 years ago

Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • DatePicker - Updated to new design specs (#1266)
  • LeftNav - Fix sidebar position for browsers that don't support transform3d (#1269)
  • TextField - Added props to override underlineStyle when disabled (#1493)
material-ui - v0.11.0

Published by hai-cea about 9 years ago

Breaking Changes
  • The Table component is now composable. (#1199)
    • JSON objects to create the table and the table component will no longer generate the table for you.
      The docs site provides a complete example of how a table might look: The example also includes a 'super header' and 'super footer' row.
    • Upgrade Path: Instead of passing in the raw JSON data, you'll need to generate the appropriate
      TableHeader/TableRow/TableHeaderColumn components and pass them in as children. The same should be applied
      to the rowData and the footer.
  • Tabs can now be controlled. In order to make this work we had to change the parameters being passed back to
    the onChange event to: onChange(value, e, tab). Where value is the value of the tab that it was changed
    to, e is the event, and tab is the actual tab component. (#1232, #1235)
  • Added a new static flag to the ThemeManager that defaults to true. If you're mutating your theme variables
    after the app initializes, set this flag to false. This will allow us to perform some optimizations to
    components that require theme variables. (#1397)
  • ListItem (#1438, #1105)
    • Nested list items should no longer be passed in as children. Use the nestedItems prop instead.
    • The open prop has been renamed to initiallyOpen.
  • Removed classable mixin
    • This mixin was no longer used in the library. Removing it allowed us to get rid of the classnames dependency. If you were using this mixin in your own projects, you'll need to pull the source and manually include it.
Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • Buttons - Fixed a bug that caused buttons to not gain keyboard focus in some cases (#1485, #1453, #1458)
  • Card
    • Properly merge CardAction and CardExpandable styles. (#1376)
    • Added Right-To-Left support to CardExpandable. To use this, set isRtl to true in the theme. (#1408)
  • DatePicker - Fixed an error that occurred when using valueLink (#1400)
  • DropDownMenu - Added disabled prop (#1406)
  • FlatButton - Added labelPosition prop. (#1286)
  • InkBar - Added color prop and inkBar.backgroundColor to theme variables. (#1244)
  • Ripple
    • Fixed display glitch on Safari (#1420)
    • Fixed an error when ripples were unMounted (#1416)
  • SelectField
    • Added floatingLabelStyle prop (#1463 #1450)
  • Slider
    • Fixed a bug when setting the width attr (#1368)
    • Fixed a bug with disabled sliders (#1417)
    • Fixed a focus style glitch and other style problems (#1448, #1451, #1468)
  • Snackbar - Added onShow and onDismiss (#1390)
  • Table - Ensure that the table component properly keeps track of selected rows (#1325)
  • TextField
    • Added underlineFocusStyle prop (#1422, #1419)
    • hintText can now be a string or element (#1424, #1202)
  • TimePicker
    • Fixed a bug that caused the am/pm selector to switch (#1440)
    • Fixed a bug that caused defaultTime to not be set (#1466)
  • Tooltip - Probably center tooltips when tooltip text changes (#1205)
  • Theme - Added setContentFontFamily (#1405)
material-ui - v0.10.4

Published by hai-cea about 9 years ago

Component Fixes / Enhancements
  • TouchRipple - Fixed a bug that caused onClick to not fire on the first click (#1370)
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