
Create offline "desktop" app using Next.js without Electron!

MIT License



This repository is a Next.js template that can be used to publish the Next.js app as an NPM package.

The idea is instead of making a "desktop" app using a native platform or Electron for cross-platform support, you can make a Next.js app that anyone can run locally in a single command. And the app can also work offline if it doesn't need to access the internet.

[!NOTE] I call it a "desktop" app even though it runs in the browser. Because unlike the web apps that are hosted in the cloud, the Next.js app using this template runs in user's computer and can have access to the file system.

Why use this?

👨‍💻 Your app targets people who have installed Node.js in their computer, which is the majority of web developers these days.
You're already familiar with Next.js.
🌐 You don't mind the app runs in the browser instead of in a stand alone window.


🤖 No need for server. So no hassle maintaining a server, or get a surprise bill when using serverless platform.
👜 Small package size. This template app is only 1.3 MB (excluding the dependencies, which will be downloaded when the user install the package).
🔄 Easy to update. Simply run npm publish --access public to update the package. You can then show a banner or notification on the page when there's a new update. There is no need to submit for review or torture yourself with code signing.
📵 Works offline. Unless your app actually needs to access the internet. Note that you need to install the package globally npm i -g <package-name> instead of using npx.
🔐 No need for authentication because the app runs on user's own computer. Less code to write, less bug. Users of your app can keep their data in their own computer.
No need to worry about network waterfalls or slow networks. Every HTML, CSS, and JS file is already on the user's computer, so it's extremely fast.
🗄️ The Next.js app can have access to the file system. So you can persist data easily to text files, JSON, or even database like SQLite.


To run this repo's Next.js app, run the following command:

npx nesktop@latest

Once the package is downloaded, it will automatically run the production build of the Next.js app and open the http://localhost:4323 URL in your browser.

If you want to run the app offline, you need to install it globally first instead of using npx:

npm i -g nesktop@latest

then run the app:



To create your own Next.js app that can be published as an NPM package, you can use the template of this repository:

  1. click the "Use this template" button on GitHub and then follow the instructions.
  2. clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. change the name of the package in package.json to your own package name.
  4. run npm install to install the dependencies.
  5. run npm run dev to start the development server.
  6. start developing the Next.js app as usual.
  7. once you're done, you can publish the app to NPM by running npm publish --access public.

The Next.js template is bootstrapped using create-next-app and equipped with Shadcn UI components and MDX support.

Special Environment Variables

When the app is run, it injects the following environment variables which you can use in your Next.js app:

Name Description
ORIGINAL_CWD The directory where your package is run from. For example, if you run npx nesktop from the /Users/nico/Downloads directory, the value of this variable will be /Users/nico/Downloads. You should not use process.cwd() because it will return the directory where NPM installed your package.
APP_NAME The name of the app as defined in package.json.
APP_CURRENT_VERSION The current version of the app as defined in package.json.
APP_LATEST_VERSION The latest version of the app which is published to NPM.

The main sauce

If you don't want to use the template, you can simply add the following properties to your package.json that enables the app to be published as an NPM package:

  "bin": {
    "<package-name>": "start.js"
  "files": [
  "scripts": {
    "build": "rimraf .next && next build && rimraf .next/cache",
    "start": "concurrently \"next start -p 4323\" \"npm run open-browser\"",
    "bump": "npm version patch --force",
    "prepublishOnly": "npm run bump && npm run build",
    "open-browser": "wait-on http://localhost:4323 && open http://localhost:4323"
  "dependencies": {
    "concurrently": "^8.2.2",
    "wait-on": "^7.2.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "copyfiles": "^2.4.1",
    "rimraf": "^5.0.5"

Then add the start.js file to the root of your project.




Nico Prananta - @2co_p -