
Netflix Clone is a web application that replicates the functionality and design of Netflix, allowing users to browse and stream movies and TV shows.


Netflix Clone

Netflix Clone is a web application that replicates the functionality and design of Netflix, allowing users to browse and stream movies and TV shows.





  • ** Movie & TV Show Browsing:** Users can browse through a large library of movies and TV shows.
    for each transaction.
  • ** Favorites:** Users can add movies and TV shows to their favorites for easy access later.
  • User Profiles: Create and manage user profiles.
  • ** Video Playback Controls:** Includes play, pause, skip, and volume controls.
  • ** Responsive Design:** Adaptable interface that works on different screen sizes.

Technologies Used

  • Zustand - State management library.
  • Next.js - React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • React.js - JS library for crafting user interfaces
  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework
  • Material-UI (MUI) - React components for faster and easier web development.
  • NextAuth.js - Authentication for Next.js applications.
  • SWR - React Hooks library for data fetching.
  • Lodash - JavaScript utility library for working with arrays, objects, and other data types.
  • React Icons - A library of popular icons for React applications
  • Vercel - Hosting platform for deploying Next.js applications.




  • Install Node.js

  • Clone the repo

    After cloning the repo install dependecies with

  npm install

Setting Up the .env File

  1. Cloning the Project:

    • Once you've cloned the project, you'll need to create a .env file.
    • I've included an .env.example file with detailed instructions on which environment variables the project requires and how to set them up.
  2. Creating the .env File:

    • Start by copying the .env.example file and creating a new file named .env.
    • Make sure to fill in the contents of the .env file.
  3. Defining Environment Variables:

  • In the .env file, you need to define the following environment variables to set up authentication with Google and GitHub using NextAuth.js:.

  # Google OAuth credentials

  # GitHub OAuth credentials

  # NextAuth.js secrets

  1. Generating OAuth Credentials:
  • For Google:

    • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
    • Create a new project or select an existing project.
    • Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials.
    • Click on Create Credentials and select OAuth 2.0 Client IDs.
    • Configure the OAuth consent screen and set up the credentials.
    • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and add them to your .env file.
  • For Github:

    • Go to GitHub Developer Settings.
    • Click on New OAuth App.
    • Fill in the required information and create the app.
    • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and add them to your .env file.
  1. Generating NextAuth.js Secrets
  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET: This secret is used to encrypt the session and JWT tokens. You can generate a secure random string using a tool like openssl or uuid:

   openssl rand -base64 32

  • NEXTAUTH_JWT_SECRET: This secret is used for signing JWT tokens. You can use the same method as NEXTAUTH_SECRET to generate a secure string.

6.Completing Setup:

  • Once you have generated and added all the necessary credentials and secrets to the .env file, you are ready to start the application.



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