
This is a Next.js plugin that redirects or rewrite for accesses that are not authenticated.

MIT License


🏯 next-fortress

This package is a Next.js plugin that provides server-side access control for users when they are in a non-authenticated state.

IPs, Firebase, Amazon Cognito and Auth0 are used to determine authentication, and when a user is in a non-authenticated state, it is possible to redirect or rewrite.

This plugin uses Next.js v12 middleware to control access with edge functions, which makes it faster and reduces client-side code.


next-fortress example


  • Using Next.js >=12

This plugin depends on the middleware of Next.js v12. If you are using Next.js v11 or earlier, please use next-fortress v2.


npm install --save next-fortress


All functions define their own fallback and use it as an argument. fallback is a control command in the unauthenticated state to select rewrite, redirect, and the middleware function.

type Fallback = Middleware | {
    type: 'rewrite';
    destination: string;
} | {
    type: 'redirect';
    destination: string;
    statusCode?: 301 | 302 | 303 | 307 | 308;

type Middleware = (request: NextRequest, event?: NextFetchEvent) => Response | undefined;

Control by IP address


// middleware.ts
import { makeIPInspector } from 'next-fortress/ip'

  type IPs = string | Array<string>
  type makeIPInspector = (allowedIPs: IPs, fallback: Fallback) => Middleware
  // IP can be specified in CIDR format. You can also specify multiple IPs in an array.
export const middleware = makeIPInspector('', {
  type: 'redirect',
  destination: '/'

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/admin/:path*'],

Control by Firebase


// middleware.ts
import { makeFirebaseInspector } from 'next-fortress/firebase'

  type makeFirebaseInspector = (
    fallback: Fallback,
    customHandler?: (payload: any) => boolean
  ) => AsyncMiddleware
export const middleware = makeFirebaseInspector(
  { type: 'redirect', destination: '/signin' }

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/mypage/:path*'],

Put the Firebase user token into the cookie using the following example.

// cient side code (for example /pages/_app.tsx)
import { FIREBASE_COOKIE_KEY } from 'next-fortress/constants'

firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function (user) {
  if (user) {
    // User is signed in.
      .then((token) => document.cookie = `${FIREBASE_COOKIE_KEY}=${token}; path=/`)
  } else {
    // User is signed out.
    document.cookie = `${FIREBASE_COOKIE_KEY}=; path=/; expires=${
      new Date('1999-12-31T23:59:59Z').toUTCString()

For the second argument of makeFirebaseInspector, you can pass a payload inspection function. This is useful, for example, if you want to ignore some authentication providers, or if you need to ensure that the email has been verified. If this function returns false, it will enter the fallback case.

// middleware.ts
import { makeFirebaseInspector } from 'next-fortress/firebase'

// Redirect for anonymous users.
export const middleware = makeFirebaseInspector(
  { type: 'redirect', destination: '/signin' },
  (payload) => payload.firebase.sign_in_provider !== 'anonymous'

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/mypage/:path*'],


  • If you want to specify the cookie key, use the environment variable FORTRESS_FIREBASE_COOKIE_KEY.
  • If you use session cookies to share authentication data with the server side, set the environment variable FORTRESS_FIREBASE_MODE to session.

Control by Amazon Cognito


// middleware.ts
import { makeCognitoInspector } from 'next-fortress/cognito'

  type UserPoolParams = {
    region: string;
    userPoolId: string;
    userPoolWebClientId: string;

  type makeCognitoInspector = (
    fallback: Fallback,
    params: UserPoolParams,
    customHandler?: (payload: any) => boolean
  ) => AsyncMiddleware
export const middleware = makeCognitoInspector(
  { type: 'redirect', destination: '/signin' },
    region: process.env.COGNITO_REGION,
    userPoolId: process.env.COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID,
    userPoolWebClientId: process.env.COGNITO_USER_POOL_WEB_CLIENT_ID,

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/mypage/:path*'],

Add ssr: true option to Amplify.configure to handle the Cognito cookies on the edge.

// cient side code (for example /pages/_app.tsx)
import Amplify from 'aws-amplify'

  aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID,
  // ...omitted
  ssr: true // this line 

For the 3rd argument of makeCognitoInspector, you can pass a payload inspection function. This is useful, for example, if you want to ignore some authentication providers, or if you need to ensure that the email has been verified. If this function returns false, it will enter the fallback case.

// middleware.ts
import { makeCognitoInspector } from 'next-fortress/cognito'

// Fallback if the email address is not verified.
export const middleware = makeCognitoInspector(
  { type: 'redirect', destination: '/signin' },
    region: process.env.COGNITO_REGION,
    userPoolId: process.env.COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID,
    userPoolWebClientId: process.env.COGNITO_USER_POOL_WEB_CLIENT_ID,
  (payload) => payload.email_verified

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/mypage/:path*'],

Control by Auth0


// middleware.ts
import { makeAuth0Inspector } from 'next-fortress/auth0'

  type makeAuth0Inspector = (
    fallback: Fallback,
    apiEndpoint: string,
    customHandler?: (payload: any) => boolean
  ) => AsyncMiddleware;
export const middleware = makeAuth0Inspector(
  { type: 'redirect', destination: '/singin' },
  '/api/auth/me' // api endpoint for auth0 profile

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/mypage/:path*'],

To use Auth0, the api root must have an endpoint. @auth0/nextjs-auth0

// /pages/api/auth/[auth0].ts
import { handleAuth } from '@auth0/nextjs-auth0'

export default handleAuth()

For the third argument of makeAuth0Inspector, you can pass a payload inspection function. This is useful, for example, if you need to ensure that the email has been verified. If this function returns false, it will enter the fallback case.

// middleware.ts
import { makeAuth0Inspector } from 'next-fortress/auth0'

// Fallback if the email address is not verified.
export const middleware = makeAuth0Inspector(
  { type: 'redirect', destination: '/singin' },
  (payload) => payload.email_verified

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/mypage/:path*'],


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details