
Nextjs + Tailwind CSS + Shopify Starter

MIT License


Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shopify Starter

This is a fully functional eCommerce store that uses Next.js + Tailwind CSS in the front end and leverages the Shopify Storefront API to interact with your Shopify backend. You can see a Live Demo here.

We use GraphQL to query our Shopify data and store the cart information in localStorage to persist user session. Finally - we use Shopify Checkout to let the user purchase the items. You can see this play out in the example store. Yes - the store is functional and you can buy the stickers. πŸ˜ƒ

High Performance

Mobile Responsive

The Tech

  • Next.js + Tailwind CSS
  • GraphQL
  • localStorage to persist user session
  • Shopify
  • Vercel
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Josefin Sans Google Font

How to use

By default, the store is set to query and show all products in one collection. You can extend this to query multiple collections or your whole store.

A note on pagination in the GraphQL queries

The graphQL queries are all hardcoded to pull the maximum number of products/variants/images which is set to 250 by Shopify. I did this to keep things simple. Pagination would have made the queries complicated and 250 items is enough for most use cases.

If you require pagination you will have to keep track of the cursor field and keep querying the data until you fetch all items.

Setup Environment variables

Create a .env.local file in the root directory. You need to add these 4 variables:


The NEXT_PUBLIC_SHOPIFY_STORE_FRONT_ACCESS_TOKEN and NEXT_PUBLIC_SHOPIFY_STORE_DOMAIN (it will be something like are needed to access the Shopify Storefront API (make sure you have set it up in your Shopify store. See docs for more information.

NEXT_PUBLIC_SHOPIFY_COLLECTION is the name of the collection you want to pull in and NEXT_PUBLIC_LOCAL_STORAGE_NAME is the name of the key your users will store their cart information under. The exact name isn't that important although I suggest you make it unique so it is less likely to clash with other stored objects. Something like yourStoreNameShopifyStore where yourStoreName is your shopify store name will suffice.


Change into the project directory and run the following command:

yarn && yarn dev

Update Site Metadata

You can update your site metadata in the next.config.js file.

env: {
  siteTitle: 'Your Company',
  siteDescription: 'Your company description.',
  siteKeywords: 'your company keywords',
  siteUrl: '',
  siteImagePreviewUrl: '/images/main.jpg',
  twitterHandle: '@your_handle'

Update Colors

You can update the color palette in tailwind.config.js file.

colors: {
  palette: {
    lighter: '',
    light: '',
    primary: '',
    dark: '',

Update Progressive Web App (PWA) data

Update the manifest.json file and the icons under the public/images/icons folder.

You can use free tools online such as to quickly generate all the different icon sizes and favicon.ico file.


You can deploy this using any number of services. Vercel and Netlify are the ones I prefer and very easy to setup and sync with your Github repo.


The store was inspired by the awesome Gatsby Swag Store as well as countless other devs much more capable than me who put out their awesome work for free.


I have open sourced this code under the MIT License in the hope that if this helps people navigate their way around JAMStack eCommerce stores as the Gatsby Swag Store did for me when I first started out.

Buy Me Coffee! β˜•

If you did find this useful and want to show your appreciation you can buy me a coffee πŸ˜ƒ

You can also buy some Doggy Stickers from the store! 🐢

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