
Effortlessly enhance Next.js apps with next-progress-bar – an npm package for smooth page transition progress. Customizable, lightweight, and visually appealing, it adds a top loader and progress bar. Elevate user experience seamlessly.

MIT License


Next Transition Bar

Elevate the user experience in your Next.js applications effortlessly with next-transition-bar – a versatile npm package designed to seamlessly enhance page transition progress. This lightweight and customizable solution adds a top loader and progress bar, delivering both visual appeal and a smooth transition experience.

Live Demo


You can install the package using npm:

npm install next-transition-bar

Or if you prefer using yarn:

yarn add next-transition-bar


Start by importing the package:

import NextTransitionBar from 'next-transition-bar';

Integration with app/layout.js (for app folder structure)

Include <NextTransitionBar /> within the return() statement inside the <body></body> of your RootLayout():

import NextTransitionBar from 'next-transition-bar';

export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
        <NextTransitionBar />

Integration with pages/_app.js (for pages folder structure)

To render, add <NextTransitionBar /> within the return() statement in MyApp():

import NextTransitionBar from 'next-transition-bar';

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <NextTransitionBar />
      <Component {...pageProps} />;

Importing nprogress instance

To import nprogress from 'next-transition-bar':

import { nprogress } from 'next-transition-bar';

or both

import NextTransitionBar, { nprogress } from 'next-transition-bar';

Default Configuration

If no props are passed to <NextTransitionBar />, the package applies the following default configuration:

  shadow="0 0 10px #29d, 0 0 5px #29d"
  template='<div class="bar" role="bar"><div class="peg"></div></div>
            <div class="spinner" role="spinner"><div class="spinner-icon"></div></div>'
  transformCSS={(css) => <style nonce={undefined}>{css}</style>}
  • color: Change the default color of the top loader.
  • initialPosition: Adjust the initial position of the top loader (in percentage, e.g., 0.08 = 8%).
  • trickleSpeed: Incremental delay speed in milliseconds.
  • speed: Animation speed for the top loader in milliseconds.
  • easing: Animation settings using easing (a CSS easing string).
  • height: Height of the top loader in pixels.
  • trickle: Auto-incrementing behavior for the top loader.
  • showSpinner: Toggle spinner visibility.
  • shadow: A smooth shadow for the top loader (set to false to disable it).
  • template: Include custom HTML attributes for the top loader.
  • zIndex: Define zIndex for the top loader.
  • showAtBottom: Display the top loader at the bottom (increase height to ensure visibility on mobile devices).
  • isRTL: Change the direction of the loader.
  • nonce: The nonce attribute to use for the style tag.
  • transformCSS: This is useful if you want to use a different style or minify the CSS.

Experience a sleek and visually appealing progress bar with next-transition-bar. Customize it to suit your application's unique style and provide users with a delightful journey through your Next.js app.

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