
This is a Next.js^9.5 project bootstrapped with microCMS, aspida. And this is using TSX, Incremental Static Regeneration.


This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with microCMS, aspida. And this is using TSX, Incremental Static Regeneration.

This project will help you quickly implement JAMStack service with TypeScript-friendly.

Set up

Run the development server:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


This project is written in TypeScript. The configuration is tsconfig.json.

Page components are fully .tsx. And Next.js supported methods are also written in TypeScript.

For example, look at pages/articles/[id].tsx.

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<{ article: MicroCmsArticle }> = async (context: GetStaticPropsContext<{id: string}>) => {
  // ...

Incremental Static Regeneration

This project supports Incremental Static Regeneration.

What's microCMS?

microCMS is a headless CMS service in Japan. It is similar to such as strapi, Contentful, DatoCMS, and so on.

Let's create account of microCMS for free, and make one api that has /articles path and create first article content.

This sample uses /articles API in microCMS. Please make an API that has /articles path, and it has following properties: title, body, description (there are string types).

Then you can access the api by below command.

curl "https://<your-project-name>" -H "X-API-KEY: <your api key>"

What's aspida?

Aspida is TypeScript friendly HTTP client wrapper for the browser and node.js.

Look types/apiClient directory.

Under the directory, you must define your backend API req/res types. And, run the command yarn build:api and you will get types/apiClient/$api.ts.

Then, check modules/apiClient.ts. This initializes aspida client and export it. With optimizing for microCMS APIs.

Notice: at local development, we can use aspida-mock. The library make us building mock server and response data by using same API as real backend APIs. Please look at modules/apiClient.ts.

You can get microCMS content by following code.

const article = await apiClient.articles._cmsId(id).$get()

Notice: each you implement API types under types/apiClient directory, you must run yarn build:api command.


You can touch the env file. Called .env.local


Only this sample, aspida uses mock-server at local development. So the env file isn't needed. But you must set these env values at Vercel Platform console.

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


The settings for eslint and husky are also completed, but CSS in JS is not installed because there is no standard.

Of course, you can add and remove rules by editting .eslintrc.js.


I'm not familiar with React and Next.js, so if you have any suggestions for resolving errors or better improvements, please contribute via issue or pull request.


Twitter: @Meijin_garden