
The attendee & admin portal for DeltaHacks, the hackathon for change.

MIT License


DeltaHacks Portal

DeltaHacks is an annual, 36-hour hackathon hosted at McMaster University. This is the official portal for DeltaHacks 2022. It is the successor to the DeltaHacks 'My' Portal which was in use for the previous three years.


In the past, the DeltaHacks team has used a variety of different tools to manage the hackathon. This included creating, updating and maintaining several dashboards for hackers, volunteers, judges, sponsers. This year, we are taking a different approach. We are building a single, unified portal that will be used by all of the different groups. This will allow us to have a single source of truth for all of the data and will allow us to build a more cohesive experience for all of the different groups.

Features / Roadmap

  • OAuth2 Authentication
  • Hacker Applications
  • Attendee Acceptence Dashboard
  • Administration Dashboard
  • Judging Portal
  • Sponsor Portal
  • QR Code encoded meal tickets

The Stack

We follow the T3 stack (and axioms) for this project, using:

  • Next.JS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Typescript
  • Prisma
  • tRPC
  • Next-Auth

Additionally, we use PaaS service providers such as Netlify and CockroachDB for hosting to simplify our development cycle.

Getting Started

To get started developing, clone the repository, setup an .env file based on the .env-example file and use the following commands:

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Initialize database
npx prisma db generate
npx prisma db push

# To migrate DB, run
npx prisma migrate deploy

# To Build / Run the project

npm run dev # Start the development server
npm run build # Build the project

We recommend using VSCode with the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense and Prettier - Code formatter extensions for development.


Get In Touch

To get in touch, please open an issue or contact us at [email protected]

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