
🧙 A React wizard (stepper) builder without the hassle, powered by hooks.

MIT License



  • Simplicity
  • Focused on logic
  • Zero dependencies
  • No UI restrictions
  • Tiny size
  • Written in TypeScript


yarn add react-use-wizard


import * as React from 'react';

import { Wizard, useWizard } from 'react-use-wizard';

const App = () => (
    <Step1 />
    <Step2 />
    <Step3 />

const Step1 = () => {
  const { handleStep, previousStep, nextStep } = useWizard();

  // Attach an optional handler
  handleStep(() => {
    alert('Going to step 2');

  return (
      <button onClick={() => previousStep()}>Previous ⏮️</button>
      <button onClick={() => nextStep()}>Next ⏭</button>




Wizard is used to wrap your steps. Each child component will be treated as an individual step. You can pass a shared footer and header component that should always be in your steps.

Example: pass a footer component that contains a "previous" and "next" button to the wizard.


name type description required default
startIndex number Indicate the wizard to start at the given step 0
header React.ReactNode Header that is shown above the active step
footer React.ReactNode Footer that is shown below the active stepstep
onStepChange (stepIndex) Callback that will be invoked with the new step index when the wizard changes steps
wrapper React.React.ReactElement Optional wrapper that is exclusively wrapped around the active step component. It is not wrapped around the header and footer
children React.ReactNode Each child component will be treated as an individual step ✔️


// Example: show the active step in the header
const Header = () => <p>I am the header component</p>;

// Example: show the "previous" and "next" buttons in the footer
const Footer = () => <p>I am the footer component</p>;

// Example: Wrap steps in an `<AnimatePresence` from framer-motion 
const Wrapper = () => <AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter />;

const App = () => {
  return (
        header={<Header />}
        footer={<Footer />}
        wrapper={<Wrapper />}
      <Step1 />
      <Step2 />
      <Step3 />


Used to retrieve all methods and properties related to your wizard. Make sure Wizard is wrapped around your component when calling useWizard.

handleStep is used to attach a handler to the step, can either be async or a sync function. This function will be invoked when calling nextStep.

Remark - You can't use useWizard in the same component where Wizard is used.


name type description
nextStep () => Promise Go to the next step
previousStep () => void Go to the previous step index
goToStep (stepIndex: number) => void Go to the given step index
handleStep (handler: Handler) => void Attach a callback that will be called when calling nextStep. handler can be either sync or async
isLoading boolean * Will reflect the handler promise state: will be true if the handler promise is pending and false when the handler is either fulfilled or rejected
activeStep number The current active step of the wizard
stepCount number The total number of steps of the wizard
isFirstStep boolean Indicate if the current step is the first step (aka no previous step)
isLastStep boolean Indicate if the current step is the last step (aka no next step)


import * as React from 'react';

import { Wizard, useWizard } from 'react-use-wizard';

const App = () => (
    <Step1 />
    <Step2 />
    <Step3 />

const Step1 = () => {
  const {
  } = useWizard();

  // This handler is optional
  handleStep(() => {
    alert('Going to step 2');

  return (
      <p>Step 1</p>
      {isLoading && <p>loading...</p>}
      <button onClick={() => previousStep()}>Previous</button>
      <button onClick={() => nextStep()}>Next</button>
      <button onClick={() => goToStep(2)}>Go to the last step</button>
        Has next step: {!isLastStep ? '' : ''}
        <br />
        Has previous step : {!isFirstStep ? '' : ''}
      Active step: {activeStep + 1} <br />

It's recommended to pass the shared components to the header or footer in the Wizard to avoid duplication.


Small playground to showcase the functionalities of react-use-wizard:

Following use cases are available in the playground

  • Simple wizard with async and sync steps
  • Animated wizard with sync steps
  • Integration with react-query (mutation on next step)

Source code can be found here.


Go to examples to check out some integrations (Gatsby, NextJS...).


You can attach an async step handler to a step as well. Make sure to make to either pass an async function or return a promise (async) function:

const Step1 = () => {
  const { handleStep } = useWizard();

  // Async function
  handleStep(async () => {
    await fetch(...);

  // OR

  // Return promise
  handleStep(() => {
    return fetch(...);



If no errors are thrown then the wizard will go to the next step, so no need to call nextStep by yourself.

If an error is thrown in the attached function the wizard will just stay at the same step and will rethrow the error. (So you can try-catch in your attached function).


If an async function is attached to handleStep the isLoading property will indicate the loading state of the function. In general isLoading will reflect the handler promise state: will be true if the handler promise is pending and false when the handler is either fulfilled or rejected.


Since react-use-wizard is focused to manage the logic of a wizard it doesn't mean you can't add some animation by your own. Add any animation library that you like. I highly suggest framer-motion to add your animations.

Checkout this example to see how a step can be animated with framer motion.


Since Internet Explorer 11 doesn't support promises or async functions you'll need to install a polyfill for the regenerator-runtime.