
Shadow generator for choosing the appropriate style in your design.


Shadow Generator



  1. Clone this repo in your work directory:
    git clone
  2. Go to the project directory:
    cd shadow_gen
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install


After this you should start project:

  • Start project in development mode: npm run dev
  • Start project in production mode: npm run build


Basic npm scripts npm:

  • next link - Tool for developing and testing npm packages iteratively without having to continually rebuild.
  • npm run dev - Start project in development mode.
  • npm run build - Start project in production mode.
  • npm run start - Start build project.


This project is automatically published on github pages using GitHub actions. The github actions file is located on the path .github\workflows\publish.yml. Publish.yml contains 2 blocks:

  • Build block with cache optimization;
  • Github pages deploy part.

Project structure

├── .github                  
│   └── workflows           
│       └── publish.yml         # *.yml which deploy project on Github pages
├── fonts                       # DIN Pro fonts used in the project
├── pages       
│   ├── shadow 
│   │   ├── OutputBlock.tsx     # Result block           
│   │   ├── CopyCodeBlock.tsx   # Code block           
│   │   └── ChangeSettings.tsx  # Block for change shadow settings
│   ├── ShadowGenerator.tsx     # Main Shadow Generator *.tsx
│   ├── _app.tsx                # File for include reset.css
│   └── index.tsx               # Main *.tsx project file
├── public                      # Public files (photos)
├── styles                  
│   ├── index.module.css        # Main CSS file
│   └── reset.css               # File which reset all styles
├── package.json                # The main Node configuration file.js of the project
├── package-lock.json           # Captures the exact versions of all installed packages and their dependencies
├── next-env.d.ts               # Typing of global variables and modules and automatic generation
├── next.config.mjs             # Adjusts the behavior of the application Next.js
└── tsconfig.json               # TypeScript Configuration


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