
snowbrain - AI-Driven Insights with Snowflake



Deploy Your Own

You can deploy your own version of the demo to Vercel with one click:

Running locally

You will need to use the environment variables defined in .env.example to run Next.js AI Chatbot. It's recommended you use Vercel Environment Variables for this, but a .env file is all that is necessary.

Note: You should not commit your .env file or it will expose secrets that will allow others to control access to your various OpenAI and authentication provider accounts.

  1. Install Vercel CLI: npm i -g vercel
  2. Link local instance with Vercel and GitHub accounts (creates .vercel directory): vercel link
  3. Download your environment variables: vercel env pull
  4. Deploy the modal code on modal/ using the following command: modal deploy
bun install
bun run dev

Your app should now be running on localhost:3000.

Example Queries

snowBrain is designed to make complex data querying simple. Here are some example queries you can try:

  • Total revenue per product category: "Show me the total revenue for each product category."
  • Top customers by sales: "Who are the top 10 customers by sales?"
  • Average order value per region: "What is the average order value for each region?"
  • Order volume: "How many orders were placed last week?"
  • Product price listing: "Display the list of products with their prices."
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