
A place to publish my thoughts 🌱


** Set up

If you are cloning this, you will need to do a couple things:

  1. add a git submodule to this repo (steps below)
  2. create .env.local by copying the values from .env.template.

ORG_ROAM_SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY is the name of the submodule directory you cloned in the previous step.

PUBLISHED_ATTRIBUTE is the attribute on you .org file that indicates you want this project to source the file. Something like this:

#+begin_src #+title: title of your post #+published: true #+end_src

** Git submodules

I use git submodules to host the content of this blog without open sourcing it.

You can add your own sub module by following [[https://www.taniarascia.com/git-submodules-private-content][this blog post by Tania Rascia]].

*** Important Commands

Make sure the submodule is recursive:

#+begin_src sh git config --global submodule.recurse true #+end_src

Add a sub module to your repo: #+begin_src sh git submodule add #+end_src

Update a submodule: #+begin_src sh git submodule update --remote #+end_src

** Notes Prefix

You can control the prefix you publish your notes under with NOTES_PREFIX. The default is set to /notes