
Set up a Tinybird Next.js project


Tinybird Demo

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Tinybird Setup

Follow Tinybird Quickstart.

Install Tinybird CLI:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install tinybird-cli

Go to: https://ui.tinybird.co/ to create a project and copy an admin token. Then paste it in when prompted:

tb auth

Add data to Tinybird

Note, if you're running these commands on this project the files are located in the tinybird folder.

tb datasource generate https://storage.googleapis.com/tinybird-assets/datasets/guides/events_50M_1.csv
mv events_50M_1.datasource shopping_data.datasource
tb push shopping_data.datasource
tb datasource append shopping_data https://storage.googleapis.com/tinybird-assets/datasets/guides/events_50M_1.csv shopping_data

Query data from Tinybird

Two steps:

  1. Create a pipe
  2. Publish an API so we can query the pipe
tb pipe generate top_10_searched_products "SELECT * FROM shopping_data WHERE event == 'search'"

In the file change NODE endpoint to NODE search_events.

Add a second node to the file:

NODE aggregate_by_product_id
    Create a count of searches aggregated by the product ID
    SELECT product_id, count() as total FROM search_events
    GROUP BY product_id
    ORDER BY total DESC

Add a third node to the file:

NODE endpoint
    Exposes top 10 rows as an API
    SELECT product_id, total FROM aggregate_by_product_id
    LIMIT 10

Push pipe to Tinybird:

tb push top_10_searched_products.pipe

Now we'll publish the API:

tb pipe publish top_10_searched_products

Congrats! Now we can query the published API.

tb pipe data top_10_searched_products

Query data from Next.js app

Now that the API endpoint exists we'll make use of it in our app. See app/api/tinybird/route.ts for how we query the data. To add new data we can publish events using app/api/tinybird/publish/route.ts.