
Pick your next movie using Next.js 13

MIT License



Building a better app for finding great movies has been on my proverbial todo list for awhile. With Next.js 13's paradigm shift, I thought it'd be the perfect time to build it and open source my learnings along the way.

Check it out live here.

App Features

  • Advanced movie search by rating, genre, release date, etc
  • All movies include YouTube trailers
  • Most movies include IMDB rating, RT audience score, and RT critic score
  • Supports grid view, list view, and single movie view
  • High quality movie database

Implementation Features

  • New /app dir
  • Blurred image placeholders
  • Dynamic OG images
  • Dark mode
  • Hosted on Vercel
  • ORM using Prisma + Postgres
  • UI components built using Radix UI
  • Styled using CSS Modules
  • Data fetching using SWR
  • Validations using Zod
  • Written in TypeScript
  • Fully Open Source


List View

Grid View

Single Movie View


Warning This app is a work in progress. I'm building this in public. You can follow the progress on Twitter @transitive_bs.

  • Movie database
  • Search functionality
  • Grid view
  • List view
  • Single view (original idea for browsing movies using a "next movie" button)
  • Dynamic OG images for movies
  • Dynamic OG images for genres
  • Dark mode
  • About page
  • Mobile friendly


  • Streaming service availability + filters
  • Add TV series
  • Advanced search by language, country, etc.
  • Better movie detail page design
  • Person detail page
  • User auth and accounts
    • Watchlist
    • Seen list + user ratings
  • Improve text search (fuzzy + weighting)
  • Weight single view movie selection by relevancyScore
  • Automate scripts to keep movie DB up-to-date
  • Improve access to Rotten Tomatoes metadata
  • Add top X movies pages

Movie Database

Under the hood, next-movie uses populate-movies to generate it's high quality movie database, featuring:

  • ~73k movies (filtered from ~750k TMDB "movies")
  • Metadata from TMDB, IMDB, and Rotten Tomatoes
  • Automatable pipeline
  • Custom post-processing
    • Selects the best available YouTube trailer for every movie
    • Relevancy scores using a combination of popularity, rating, and release date
    • Nuanced foreign movie detection that looks at more than just language/country
    • LQIP preview image generation for all movie images
    • Basic text index for searching
  • Open source using TS + Prisma + Postgres


See the contribution guide and join our amazing list of contributors.


MIT © Travis Fischer

Support my open source work by sponsoring me or following me on twitter