

Note Taker Slack App/Bot

This is a Slack Bot, using Vercel for serverless deployment and Upstash Redis for database.

Deploy This Project on Vercel!

Simply fill the environmental variables defined below and your serverless functions will be up in seconds!

What The Bot Does

  • Events:
    • New channel created:
      • When a new is channel created, posts a message to general channel stating that such an event happened.
    • Slackbot mentioned:
      • Whenever the bot is mentioned, posts a
        message to general channel stating
        that the bot was mentioned.
  • Commands:
    • /note set <key> <value> :
      • Sets a key value pair.
    • /note get <key> :
      • Gets the value corresponding to the key
    • /note list-set <list_name> <item_as_string> :
      • Adds the <item_as_string> to <list_name> list as an item.
    • /note list-all <list_name> :
      • Lists all the items in the <list_name>
    • /note list-remove <list_name> <item_as_string> :
      • Removes <item_as_string> from the <list_name>
  • P.S:
    • All of the commands mentioned can be implemented as slackbot mentions rather than slash commands. For demonstration purposes, slash commands are also used. Use cases may differ.

Configuring Slack Bot - 1

  1. Go to Slack API Apps Page:
    • Create new App
      • From Scratch
      • Name your app & pick a workspace
    • Go to Oauth & Permissions
      • Add the following scopes
        • app_mentions:read
        • channels:read
        • chat:write
        • chat:write.public
        • commands
      • Install App to workspace
        • Basic Information --> Install Your App --> Install To Workspace
  2. Note the variables (These will be the env variables for vercel deployment) :
      • Go to Basic Information
        • App Credentials --> Signing Secret
      • Go to OAuth & Permissions
        • Bot User OAuth Token

Deploying on Vercel

  1. Click the deploy button:
  1. Fill the environmental variables defined above.

Configuring Slack Bot - 2

  • After deployment, you can use the provided vercel_domain.
  1. Go to Slack API Apps Page and choose relevant app:

    • Go to Slash Commands:
      • Create New Command:
        • Command : note
        • Request URL : <vercel_domain>/api/note
        • Configure the rest however you like.
    • Go to Event Subscribtions:
      • Enable Events:
        • Request URL: <vercel_domain>/api/events
      • Subscribe to bot events by adding:
        • app_mention
        • channel_created
  2. After these changes, Slack may require reinstalling of the app.

Running Locally

Use Vercel CLI to replicate serverless development environment:

vercel dev --> localhost address will be given.

  • If you don't have a static IP, you will want to tunnel your localhost to a public IP. For that, you can use ngrok:

  • ./ngrok http 3000 --> Tunnels your localhost:3000

  • Provided address is the endpoint.


For additional explanations of the source code and how to run it locally, you can refer to the blogpost.