
Run a Symfony application using Docker & docker-compose

0BSD License



This is a complete stack for running Symfony 5 (latest version), PHP8 and ELK stack using docker-compose tool.


First, clone this repository:

$ git clone

Next, put your Symfony application into symfony folder and do not forget to add symfony.localhost in your /etc/hosts file.

Make sure you adjust database_host in parameters.yml to the database container alias "db" (for Symfony < 4) Make sure you adjust DATABASE_URL in env to the database container alias "db" (for Symfony >= 4)

Then, run:

$ docker-compose up

You are done, you can visit your Symfony application on the following URL: http://symfony.localhost (and access Kibana on http://symfony.localhost:81)

Note : you can rebuild all Docker images by running:

$ docker-compose build

How it works?

Here are the docker-compose built images:

  • db: This is the MySQL database container (can be changed to postgresql or whatever in docker-compose.yml file),
  • php: This is the PHP-FPM container including the application volume mounted on,
  • nginx: This is the Nginx webserver container in which php volumes are mounted too,
  • elasticsearch: This is the Elasticsearch server used to store our web server and application logs,
  • logstash: This is the Logstash tool from Elastic Stack that allows to read logs and send them into our Elasticsearch server,
  • kibana: This is the Kibana UI that is used to render logs and create beautiful dashboards.

This results in the following running containers:

> $ docker-compose ps
             Name                           Command               State                 Ports
mysql                   --def ...   Up>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
elasticsearch                    /usr/local/bin/docker-entr ...   Up>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
kibana                           /usr/local/bin/dumb-init - ...   Up>5601/tcp
logstash                         /usr/local/bin/docker-entr ...   Up      5044/tcp, 9600/tcp
nginx                            nginx                            Up      443/tcp,>80/tcp
php-fpm                          php-fpm7 -F                      Up>9001/tcp

Environment Customizations

You can customize the exposed ports and other parameters changing the docker-compose .env file.

Read logs

You can access Nginx and Symfony application logs in the following directories on your host machine:

  • logs/nginx
  • logs/symfony

Use Kibana!

You can also use Kibana to visualize Nginx & Symfony logs by visiting http://symfony.localhost:81.

Use xdebug!

Start by updating your docker-compose .env file with PHP_XDEBUG_MODE=debug (or any other configuration you need as seen in the Xdebug documentation). You will need to re-build the php container for this value to take effect.

Configure your IDE to use port 5902 for XDebug. Docker versions below 18.03.1 don't support the Docker variable host.docker.internal. In that case you'd have to swap out host.docker.internal with your machine IP address in php-fpm/xdebug.ini.

Code license

You are free to use the code in this repository under the terms of the 0-clause BSD license. LICENSE contains a copy of this license.

Extracted from project README's
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