
Nginx Python Log Analyzer

MIT License


nginxpla utility for nginx access log real-time metrics

Inspired by ngxtop <>_

nginxpla is console nginx's log parser and analyser written in python. Fully configurable reports and templates. Like ngxtop it allows build top-like custom reports by chosen metrics. I have tried my best to do it customizable and extendable.

``nginxpla`` is very powefull for troubleshooting and monitoring your Nginx server here and now. 
It is not suitable for long-term monitoring, because under the hood it has sqlite3. 
Performance can degrade when large amounts of data accumulate. So, you warned.

nginxpla is config-based utility. It means after first run it create in users home directory folder .nginxpla with config file in yaml format. When you run nginxpla it loads configuration, such as log_format for file wich you try to analyze and templates with modules. The program is flexible enough in configuration to analyze almost any line-by-line logs that can be parsed by regular expressions. Modular structure with several modules included.

  1. Installation


pip install nginxpla
nginxpla --install
nano ~/.nginxpla/nginxpla.yaml
  1. Usage


    nginxpla <access-log-file> [options]
    nginxpla <access-log-file> [options] (print) <var> ...
    nginxpla (-h | --help)
    nginxpla --version

    -l <file>, --access-log <file>  access log file to parse.
    -f <format>, --log-format <format>  log format as specify in log_format directive. [default: combined]
    -i <seconds>, --interval <seconds>  report interval when running in --top mode [default: 2.0]
    -t <template>, --template <template>  use template from config file [default: main]
    -m <modules>, --modules <modules>  comma separated module list [default: all]

    --info  print configuration info for access_log
    --top  watch for new lines as they are written to the access log.

    -g <var>, --group-by <var>  group by variable [default: ]
    -w <var>, --having <expr>  having clause [default: 1]
    -o <var>, --order-by <var>  order of output for default query [default: count]
    -n <number>, --limit <number>  limit the number of records included in report [default: 10]
    -a <exp> ..., --a <exp> ...  add exp (must be aggregation exp: sum, avg, min, max, etc.) into output

    -v, --verbose  more verbose output
    -d, --debug  print every line and parsed record
    -h, --help  print this help message.
    --version  print version information.

    -c <file>, --config <file>  nginxpla config file path.
    -e <filter-expression>, --filter <filter-expression>  filter in, records satisfied given expression are processed.
    -p <filter-expression>, --pre-filter <filter-expression>  in-filter expression to check in pre-parsing phase.
    -s <sql-request>, --sql <sql-request>  raw Sql in sqlite format. Table with data is log
    --fields <fields>  Fields to import in sqllite log table, for example, --fields user_agent,status

    Print statistics for default template
    $ nginxpla access_log

    Select All indexed data from base
    $ nginxpla access_log --sql select * from log

    Select All indexed data from base
    $ nginxpla access_log --sql 'SELECT user_agent, status, count(1) AS count FROM log GROUP BY user_agent, status ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100' --fields user_agent,status

Configuration #############

After install configure logs-section:


        log_path_regexp: 'mydomain\.access\.log'
        format: "default"
        log_path_regexp: 'second_domain_name\.access\.log'
        format: "custom"
        log_path_regexp: '.*'
        format: "combined"

If you use custom nginx log_format or you want configure something different you can define formats in section:


    default: '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_x_forwarded_for"'
    combined: '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'
    custom: '$http_x_forwarded_for - [$time_local] "$host" "$request" $status ($bytes_sent) "$http_referer" "$uri $args" "$http_user_agent" [$request_time] [$upstream_response_time]'

Important: After parse $variables will be columns in databse with same name and you can operate them

regex_formats-section do the same as formats. If you regex-guru you can speed-up parse by regex. regex_formats is prefered than simple way, if defined format and regex_format with the same name, regex_format will be used.

SQL suffix

For better visualization I have add suffixes. Just add it to column name in SQL and all row of data will be formatted. Sql suffix itself will be removed from result table column name.

_human_size — size-formatter, convert digits like this 4399151 to this 4,20Mb



$ nginxpla access_log --fields request_path,body_bytes_sent query SELECT request_path, sum(body_bytes_sent) as bytes_sent_human_size GROUP BY request_path ORDER BY bytes_sent_human_size DESC LIMIT 10

Report Table Column Human Name

All column names from SQL will be transform to string with space-separated words. But in your sql you should use original column names.


$ nginxpla access_log --fields se,request_path --filter="se=='Google Bot'" query 'SELECT request_path as request_path_by_google_bot, count(1) as count FROM log GROUP BY request_path ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10'

| Request Path By Google Bot   |   Count |
| /c/202060826/new             |      68 |
| /c/202060826/discount        |      29 |
| /c/202001900                 |      28 |
| /c/202001107                 |      22 |
| /c/1000008746                |      17 |
| /c/202060845                 |      17 |
| /c/202000010                 |      16 |
| /c/202061131                 |      16 |
| /c/202062183/new             |      16 |
| /c/202061132                 |      15 |

running for 18 seconds, 33923 records processed: 1789.62 req/sec

Print Format

For simple queries you can user print syntax:


nginxpla <access-log-file> [options] (print) <var> ...

The print-syntax parser make some useful magick. It is ordering and auto results grouping. Magick fields is count


$ nginxpla access_log --limit=0 print se count



# Uses Search Engine Module and Pattern Module

$ nginxpla access_log --filter="se != '-'" --limit=0 print se request_path_pattern count

| Se           | Request Path Pattern   |   Count |
| Yahoo Slurp  | Product                |  183522 |
| Yahoo Slurp  | Rubric                 |  106551 |
| Yahoo Slurp  | Brand                  |   18200 |
| Google Bot   | Rubric                 |   17549 |
| Google Bot   | Product                |   10959 |
| Google Bot   | Brand                  |    3019 |

running for 28 seconds, 361730 records processed: 12546.68 req/sec
  1. Modules

Pattern Module

Allows to define your request path patterns. For example, in url structure on your project all brands have format like /brand/slug... you can group them by pattern:


        package: "module.pattern"
        class: "PatternModule"
                from: '^/brand/.*'
                to: "Brand"

For full module config see default config example <>_

All urls starts with /brand/ will have field request_path_pattern with value 'Brand' and you can use this in you reports, prints or queries


$ nginxpla access_log print request_path_pattern count

ASN Module

Use GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb to get asn and ans_name variables to record. asn_name contains company name from whois

ASN Module Config

.. code-block:: yaml

label: "ASN Top:"
package: "module.asn"
class: "AsnModule"
    - asn
    - asn_name
    - remote_addr
    - bytes_sent
    - request_time
    - asn_name
sql: | 
        asn                                         AS ASN,
        asn_name                                    AS Company,
        count(1)                                    AS Count,
        sum(bytes_sent)                             AS sum_bytes_sent_human_size,
        sum(request_time)                           AS total_time,
        avg(request_time)                           AS avg_time,
        count(CASE WHEN status_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS '2xx',
        count(CASE WHEN status_type = 3 THEN 1 END) AS '3xx',
        count(CASE WHEN status_type = 4 THEN 1 END) AS '4xx',
        count(CASE WHEN status_type = 5 THEN 1 END) AS '5xx'
    FROM log
    GROUP BY asn_name
    HAVING %(--having)s
    ORDER BY %(--order-by)s DESC
    LIMIT  %(--limit)s

Module API


When a string is parsed into variables, they are concatenated into a record. Further, the recording goes in modules (handle_record), the module can change or add something to the record. After that, only part of the record goes to the database. What exactly gets in depends on the key fields in the settings file, this is needed for optimization. Then the report assembly starts. The report methods are called in the order specified in the config. The handle_report method is launched using the same algorithm. But, it receives the resulting report as a parameter.

  • record - dict parsed from log line
  • report - text of all reports
  • ModuleConfi - object with module settings

Module it is just a small Class with 3 methods and contructor.

handle_record - method takes only one parameter record and must return it back. You can modify it. report - text of report, you can use sql to fetch data from db. If you don't like methods from - you can get connection ( and do what you want handle_report - takes result report, must return it back


.. code-block:: python3

Simple Module

package: "module.simple"
class: "SimpleModule"

from nginxpla.utils import generate_table
from nginxpla.module_config import ModuleConfig

class SimpleModule:
    def handle_record(self, record):
        record['some_variable'] = 'some_value'
        return record

    def report(self):
        config = self.config
        [header, data] =, config.arguments)
        return generate_table(header, data)

    def handle_report(self, report: str):
        report += "something to append to the end of entire script's report"
        return report
    def __init__(self, module_config: ModuleConfig):
        self.config = module_config