
Simple prototype demonstrating microservices at scale.


To Do (Single-Page App) - Microservice

Basic To Do application demonstrating the microservice architecture by deploying the frontend, the backend, the database, and cache all as its own service while providing an Nginx proxy-server as a defualt gateway to the app.

Architecture 🛠️

The client first communicates with the Nginx proxy server to get initial single page data. The proxy-server acts as an CDN. Frontend Request

Then the app starts fetching data from the backend (express app)

The backend uses MongoDB as a permanent store. data are persisted locally using docker volumes. Redis DB is used for caching.

The containers use the default network bridge for communication with DNS lookups provided by Docker.

BusyBox is provided as a service to debug the network of the containers internally.

Getting Started (Docker 🐋)

docker compose -f ./ up

File Structure

├── todo-frontend                frontend-app
├── todo-backend                 backend server contsaing express, Mongo, Redis
    ├── utils                    Databases configurations
    ├── mongo                    Mongo DB - NoSQL for simplicity
    ├── redis                    Redis DB - used for caching
├── .gitignore                   ignoreing data volumes from VCS
├──       development deployment composer file
├──               Nginx configuration for development deployment
└──                    main documentation
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