
🚰 Kitchen-sink docker image for building Haskell in CI

MIT License



Kitchen-sink docker image for building (stack-based) Haskell projects in CI

IPA: //lavllo/

Where to find this

Docker tags:

  • lts-12: nilrecurring/haskell-lavello:lts-12


Wait, don't we have fpco/stack-build already?

Yees, and in fact that's our base image. Additionally we also stack build a whole list of packages, so that when you get to build your project they don't have to be recompiled, dramatically cutting CI time.

So why isn't this the standard?

The tradeoff here is the bandwidth: the image is quite big (> 1GB), so fetching it from your favorite CI might take some time (especially if you don't cache Docker images). Doing this with Haskell is convenient, because compiling things on free-CI CPUs usually takes more time than fetching the already compiled package (YMMV, you'll have to benchmark this with your setup)