
The home of the moderation team


Moderation home

The moderation team uses this repository as our central hub for tracking work items and documenting the best practices we have discovered.

We recognize that an open-source project is not just about the technology but also the people behind it. As such, our primary responsibility is to minimize drama, resolve interpersonal conflicts, and strongly discourage any form of abuse that could undermine our project goals.

To achieve our objectives, we are committed to maintaining transparency in our actions while respecting the privacy of those involved.


The moderation team is not anonymous, you can always look up its current members on the home page.

Reporting issues

Or contact any of the current team members directly, e.g. via Matrix.

The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.


Moderation decisions

The moderation team always involves multiple members in significant decisions like the suspension of a long-time contributor. We also review all decisions together. So in most cases, the entire team always stands behind and is accountable for each moderation decision.

Moderation log

We record suspension events into the moderation log:

In order to protect the privacy of the individuals involved, justification behind moderation decisions is not published. We always tell the person in question in private why they got suspended. Other trusted community members may privately ask the moderators about a specific suspension.

Code of conduct

Our Code of Conduct outlines the standards we use to guide our decisions.