
🌨️ my nix expressions

MIT License



my nix expressions not quite ready for nixpkgs yet - if ever

how to use

enabling the binary cache

all packages are cached by cachix. to enable it, you can run nix run nixpkgs#cachix use getchoo. it may may also be used in the nixConfig attribute of flakes or in a system configuration.

{pkgs, ...}: {
  nix.settings = {
    trusted-substituters = [""];
    trusted-public-keys = [""];


flakes are the primary method to use this repository

installing packages

you can add this repository as an input, and optionally override the nixpkgs input to build against your own revision of nixpkgs

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    darwin = {
      url = "github:LnL7/nix-darwin";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    getchoo = {
      url = "github:getchoo/nix-exprs";
      # this will break reproducibility, but lower the instances of nixpkgs
      # in flake.lock and possibly duplicated dependencies
      # inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
      # if you want to save some space
      # inputs.flake-checks.follows = "";

  outputs = {
  }: {
    nixosConfigurations.hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [

        ({pkgs, ...}: {
          environment.systemPackages = with getchoo.packages.${pkgs.system}; [

ad-hoc installation

this flake can also be used in the base nix package manager!

the best way to make these packages available for you is to add it to your flake registry like so.

nix registry add getchoo github:getchoo/nix-exprs
nix profile install getchoo#treefetch
nix shell getchoo#cfspeedtest

stable nix

there are two main ways to use this repository with stable nix: channels and npins (or similar)

to add the channel, run:

nix-channel --add getchoo
nix-channel --update getchoo

to use npins, please view the getting started guide to initialize your project. after, run:

npins add --name getchoo github getchoo nix-exprs

installing packages

{ pkgs, ... }: let
  # if you use channels
  getchoo = import <getchoo>;

  # or if you use `npins`
  # sources = import ./npins;
  # getchoo = import sources.getchoo;
in {
  environment.systemPackages = [ getchoo.treefetch ];

ad-hoc installation

channels are the recommended method of adhoc-installation and usage. after adding it with the command above, you can use it like so:

nix-env -f '<getchoo>' -iA treefetch
nix-shell '<getchoo>' -p treefetch
Extracted from project README
Build status FlakeHub