
Prefetch sources from github for nix build tool

GPL-3.0 License


#+title: nix-prefetch-github

  • Introduction This module implements a python function and a command line tool to help you fetch sources from github when using =fetchFromGitHub=.

    This program can be distributed under the conditions of the GNU Public License Version 3. Check out =LICENSE.txt= to read the license text.

  • Command Line Example #+begin_src sh :results verbatim :export :wrap example :exports both result/bin/nix-prefetch-github seppeljordan nix-prefetch-github #+end_src

    #+RESULTS: #+begin_example { "owner": "seppeljordan", "repo": "nix-prefetch-github", "rev": "244024cbbda3638e93b1a18d10e0c36f3d62e6b4", "hash": "sha256-eQd/MNlnuzXzgFzvwUMchvHoIvkIrbpGKV7iknO14Cc=" } #+end_example

  • Available Commands ** nix-prefetch-github This command downloads the code from a github repository and puts it into the local nix store. It also prints the function arguments to =fetchFromGitHub= to the standard output. :

    #+begin_src sh :results verbatim :wrap example :exports results result/bin/nix-prefetch-github --help #+end_src

    #+RESULTS: #+begin_example usage: nix-prefetch-github [-h] [--fetch-submodules] [--no-fetch-submodules] [--leave-dot-git] [--no-leave-dot-git] [--deep-clone] [--no-deep-clone] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--nix] [--json] [--meta] [--version] [--rev REV] owner repo

    positional arguments: owner repo

    options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --fetch-submodules Include git submodules in the output derivation --no-fetch-submodules Don't include git submodules in output derivation --leave-dot-git Include .git folder in output derivation. Use this if you need repository data, e.g. current commit hash, for the build process. --no-leave-dot-git Don't include .git folder in output derivation. --deep-clone Include all of the repository history in the output derivation. This option implies --leave-dot-git. --no-deep-clone Don't include the repository history in the output derivation. --verbose, -v Print additional information about the programs execution. This is useful if you want to issue a bug report. --quiet, -q Print less information about the programs execution. --nix Output the results as valid nix code. --json Output the results in the JSON format --meta Output the results in JSON format where the arguments to fetchFromGitHub are located under the src key of the resulting json dictionary and meta information about the prefetched repository is located under the meta key of the output. --version show program's version number and exit --rev REV #+end_example

** nix-prefetch-github-directory This command examins the current working directory and tries to figure out if it is part of a git repository linked to github. If this was successful the program prefetches the currently checked out commit from the =origin= remote repository similar to the command =nix-prefetch-github=.

#+begin_src sh :results verbatim :wrap example :exports results result/bin/nix-prefetch-github-directory --help #+end_src

#+RESULTS: #+begin_example usage: .nix-prefetch-github-directory-wrapped [-h] [--fetch-submodules] [--no-fetch-submodules] [--leave-dot-git] [--no-leave-dot-git] [--deep-clone] [--no-deep-clone] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--nix] [--json] [--meta] [--version] [--directory DIRECTORY] [--remote REMOTE]

options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --fetch-submodules Include git submodules in the output derivation --no-fetch-submodules Don't include git submodules in output derivation --leave-dot-git Include .git folder in output derivation. Use this if you need repository data, e.g. current commit hash, for the build process. --no-leave-dot-git Don't include .git folder in output derivation. --deep-clone Include all of the repository history in the output derivation. This option implies --leave-dot-git. --no-deep-clone Don't include the repository history in the output derivation. --verbose, -v Print additional information about the programs execution. This is useful if you want to issue a bug report. --quiet, -q Print less information about the programs execution. --nix Output the results as valid nix code. --json Output the results in the JSON format --meta Output the results in JSON format where the arguments to fetchFromGitHub are located under the src key of the resulting json dictionary and meta information about the prefetched repository is located under the meta key of the output. --version show program's version number and exit --directory DIRECTORY --remote REMOTE #+end_example

** nix-prefetch-github-latest-release This command fetches the code for the latest release of the specified repository.

#+begin_src sh :results verbatim :wrap example :exports results result/bin/nix-prefetch-github-latest-release --help #+end_src

#+RESULTS: #+begin_example usage: nix-prefetch-github-latest-release [-h] [--fetch-submodules] [--no-fetch-submodules] [--leave-dot-git] [--no-leave-dot-git] [--deep-clone] [--no-deep-clone] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--nix] [--json] [--meta] [--version] owner repo

positional arguments: owner repo

options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --fetch-submodules Include git submodules in the output derivation --no-fetch-submodules Don't include git submodules in output derivation --leave-dot-git Include .git folder in output derivation. Use this if you need repository data, e.g. current commit hash, for the build process. --no-leave-dot-git Don't include .git folder in output derivation. --deep-clone Include all of the repository history in the output derivation. This option implies --leave-dot-git. --no-deep-clone Don't include the repository history in the output derivation. --verbose, -v Print additional information about the programs execution. This is useful if you want to issue a bug report. --quiet, -q Print less information about the programs execution. --nix Output the results as valid nix code. --json Output the results in the JSON format --meta Output the results in JSON format where the arguments to fetchFromGitHub are located under the src key of the resulting json dictionary and meta information about the prefetched repository is located under the meta key of the output. --version show program's version number and exit #+end_example

  • development environment Use =nix develop= with flake support enabled. Development without nix flake support is not officially supported. Run the provided tests via =pytest=. You can control what kind of tests are run via the variable =DISABLED_TESTS=:


    Only run tests that don't hit network and don't use nix

    DISABLED_TESTS="network requires_nix_build" pytest #+end_example

    Currently =network= and =requires_nix_build= are the only values that make sense with this environment variable.

    You can visualize the dependency graph of the individual python modules via the =./generate-dependency-graph= program.

    You can generate a coverage report for the tests via

    #+begin_example coverage run -m nix_prefetch_github.run_tests && coverage html #+end_example

  • changes ** v8.0.0 (not released yet)

    • Drop official support for Python versions <3.11 and introduce
      official support for Python version 3.12

** v7.1.0

  • Add =-q= / =--quiet= option to decrease logging verbosity
  • Add =--meta= option to include the commit timestamp of the latest
    prefetched commit in the output
  • Use content of ==GITHUB_TOKEN== environment variable for
    authenticating with GitHub API

** v7.0.0

  • The output format changed. In previous versions the json and nix
    output included =sha256= as a field. This field was removed in
    favour of a =hash= field. The value of this field is an SRI hash.

** v6.0.1

  • Fix bug in repository detection for

** v6.0.0

  • Drop support for python3.8
  • Drop default arguments to fetchFromGitHub from json output
    (e.g. =leaveDotGit = false;=, =fetchSubmodule = false;=,
    =deepClone = false;=)

** v5.2.2

  • Add more info to error messages

** v5.2.1

  • Fixed a bug that broke the program for users without the
    experimental nix-command feature

** v5.2.0

  • Emit warning if unsafe options --deep-clone and --leave-dot-git
    are used.
  • Improve --help output slightly
  • Declutter verbose logging output

** v5.1.2

  • Use old prefetch implementation because of bug in
    =nix-prefetch-git=. See [[][this github issue]]
    ** v5.1.1
  • Fix bug that broke =nix-prefetch-github --version=

** v5.1.0

  • Use =nix-prefetch-git= and =nix-prefetch-url= for calculating
    sha256 sums when possible. The application will fall back to the
    old method when =nix-prefetch-*= are not available.

** v5.0.1

  • Fix breaking bug in hash generation

** v5.0.0

  • Remove all dependencies to other python packages other than
    "core" ones
  • Allow users to control debugging output via the =--verbosity= cli
  • All commands now understand =--fetch-submodules= and
    =--no-fetch-submodules= options
  • Commands now understand =--leave-dot-git= and
    =--no-leave-dot-git= options
  • Commands now understand =--deep-clone= and =--no-deep-clone=

** v4.0.4

  • Print standard error output of subprocesses for better debugging

** v4.0.3

  • Generated hashes now don't have a "sha256-" prefix
  • jinja2 is no longer a dependency of nix-prefetch-github

** v4.0.2

  • packaging release, no bugfixes or features

** v4.0.1

  • Fix issue #38

** v4.0

  • Make fetching submodules the default in calls to python
    routines. The CLI should be uneffected by this change.
  • Remove default values for =fetch_submodules= in all internal
  • Implement =nix-prefetch-github-latest-release= command

** v3.0

  • major changes to the internal module structure
  • introduction of the =nix-prefetch-github-directory= command
  • code repository now functions as a nix flake

** v2.4

  • added =--fetch-submodules= flag
  • Fixed incompability with nix 2.4

** v2.3.2

  • fix issues #21, #22
  • nix-prefetch-github now accepts full ref names, e.g.
    =refs/heads/master= which was broken since 2.3 (#23)

** v2.3.1

  • Fix bug in generated nix expression
  • Fix bug that prevented targeting tags with prefetch command
  • Improve error message format in case revision is not found

** v2.3

  • Remove dependency to =requests=
  • Default to =master= branch instead of first branch in list

** v2.2

  • Add =--version= flag
  • Fix bug in output formatting

** v2.1

  • Fix bug (#4) that made =nix-prefetch-github= incompatible with
    =nix 2.2=.

** v2.0

  • The result of nix_pretch_github and its corresponding command
    line tool now contains always the actual commit hash as detected
    by the tool instead of the branch or tag name.
  • Add a new flag =--nix= that makes the command line tool output a
    valid nix expression
  • Removed the =--hash-only= and =--no-hash-only= flags and changed
    add =--prefetch= and =--no-prefetch= flags to replace them.