Source code for my personal blog and programmnig crimes associated with it.

CC-BY-4.0 License


Source code of my personal blog, built with Pandoc and an unnecessarily complicated Bash script. Rendered version is available at


The website contents are pure HTML and Javascript. SCSS is used for styling. There are no weird libraries to render/modify/abuse content in runtime. What you see is what you get. I do modify DOM in one instance, but nothing that justifies libraries.

The site is built with a Bash script that generates post metadata, compiles stylesheets and copies files in place. You are welcome to, but discouraged from looking into the script unless you plan to run it.


The script can be used to build the website, including compiling the stylesheets and generating static pages from markdown. Upon running this script[^1], the build result will be available in the out/ directory relative to the script.

You may serve the built static pages via Python's http module, or spin up your own webserver through another means. You can also open your web browser and visit the out/ directory in the "search" tab. I disable $HOME access for good measure, but it could be an option for you.




Changes are welcome, feel free to make an issue if you wish to ask a question or create a pull request if something catches your eye. You may also "contribute" by making post suggestions in the issues tab.


The builder script ( depends on jq, pandoc and sassc to be in your path. Nix users may use nix-shell or direnv allow to use available tools for reproducible dev environments.

Non-Nix users will have to get jq, pandoc and sassc from their package manager.


Available under the CC BY License. Please do not modify or redistribute post contents without my express permission.

[^1]: Make sure you always read bash scripts you see on the internet before actually running them.