
📦 distribute packwiz modpacks with nix easily!

MIT License



packwiz2nix brings all of the benefits of Nix to packwiz, helping you create fixed-output derivations from your already existing packwiz modpack!

Getting started

For users

It is recommended to use Infinidoge's nix-minecraft module as it allows you to symlink packages into a minecraft server's directory.

There is a convenience function called mkModLinks that can automate the creation of symlinks for a server like so:

}: let
  inherit (packwiz2nix.lib) mkPackwizPackages mkModLinks;
  # replace "/checksums.json" with the path to the modpack's checksums file
  mods = mkPackwizPackages pkgs (yourModpack + "/checksums.json");
in {
  imports = [

  nixpkgs.overlays = [nix-minecraft.overlay];

  services.minecraft-servers = {
    enable = true;
    eula = true;

    servers.my_server = {
      enable = true;
      package = pkgs.quiltServers.quilt-1_19_4-0_18_10;
      symlinks = mkModLinks mods;

For modpack developers

packwiz2nix is quick to set up, all you have to do is add this to the apps attribute of a flake:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    packwiz2nix.url = "github:getchoo/packwiz2nix";

  outputs = {
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
      pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};
    in {
      apps = {
        # replace ./mods with the path to your .pw.toml files
        generate-checksums = packwiz2nix.lib.mkChecksumsApp pkgs ./mods;

An example of this can be found in my personal modpack

Maintainer Guide

packwiz2nix also offers some more advanced features if maintainers wish to integrate this project further into their distribution.

Create traditional modpacks

One of these features is the ability to create traditional modpacks anyone can use. So far, only modpacks for MultiMC and Prism Launcher are supported.

MultiMC/Prism Launcher

mkMultiMCPack allows you to create a package attribute that will result in a zipfile any user of Prism Launcher and MultiMC can import. For example:

  packages = let
    inherit (packwiz2nix.lib) mkMultiMCPack mkPackwizPackages;
    mods = mkPackwizPackages pkgs ./checksums.json;
  in rec {
    myModpack = mkMultiMCPack {
      inherit pkgs mods;
      # optionally include externa. files in modpack.
      # instance related files should be placed here,
      # as made in step 1 and 3 of this guide:
      filesDir = ./files;
      name = "myModpack";

    default = myModpack;


There are two main things you should keep in mind with this project currently:

  • No Curseforge support

    • Packwiz does not keep the download URL for Curseforge mods in it's TOML files due to Curseforge's ToS, which is not acceptable in the current method used to generate checksums and create the final derivations for mods.

    • This is the biggest concern as it affects end users the most

  • Checksums must be generated (modpack developers, make sure you read this)

    • Packwiz uses SHA1 by default to verify mod files, which fetchers in nix such as builtins.fetchurl
      and pkgs.fetchurl do not support. This prevents us from using them, and requires a separate
      checksum file (using SHA256) to be generated and updated along with the modpack.
    • There are plans to change this in the future,
      which would allow for this process to be removed

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