
Nix overlay for gakonst/foundry (including forge and cast)

MIT License



Nix overlay for foundry-rs/foundry (including forge, cast, anvil and chisel)

This repository is auto-updated daily with the latest nightly binary release, which are pruned from upstream regularly. We also maintain a monthly branch for permanent releases that are not pruned.

Usage: Showing off nix

If we have nix v2.4 or newer, we run this repo and get forge is the default app target:

$ nix run github:shazow/foundry.nix
forge 0.1.0 (691c814 2022-02-11T00:23:35.582887615+00:00)
Build, test, fuzz, formally verify, debug & deploy solidity contracts.

We can also specify a target, such as cast:

$ nix run github:shazow/foundry.nix#cast

Flags are passed after the command is terminated with --:

$ nix run github:shazow/foundry.nix#forge -- build

We can enter a shell with all of the foundry binaries injected:

$ nix develop github:shazow/foundry.nix

Usage: Development shell

Make a flake.nix in your solidity project directory:

# flake.nix
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    foundry.url = "github:shazow/foundry.nix/monthly"; # Use monthly branch for permanent releases

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, utils, foundry }:
    utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = import nixpkgs {
          inherit system;
          overlays = [ foundry.overlay ];
      in {

        devShell = with pkgs; mkShell {
          buildInputs = [
            # From the foundry overlay
            # Note: Can also be referenced without overlaying as: foundry.defaultPackage.${system}

            # ... any other dependencies we need

          # Decorative prompt override so we know when we're in a dev shell
          shellHook = ''
            export PS1="[dev] $PS1"

Then run nix develop to enter a shell with foundry binaries (forge, cast, anvil and chisel) present.

Running nix flake update will repin to the latest foundry release from this repo (auto-updates daily).

Usage: devenv

Initialize devenv in your solidity project directory:

$ devenv init

Add this repo as an input in the devenv.yaml with the following shell command:

$ devenv inputs add foundry github:shazow/foundry.nix --follows nixpkgs

And edit the devenv.nix:

{ ... }:

  languages.solidity.enable = true;
  languages.solidity.foundry.enable = true;

Then run devenv shell to enter a shell with foundry binaries present.

Running devenv update will repin to the latest foundry release from this repo.

You can run direnv allow to automatically enter a shell with foundry binaries everytime you cd to this directory, if you have direnv installed.

NixOS Caveat

The foundry forge and cast binaries are auto-ELF-patched to work on NixOS, but by default forge will attempt to fetch solc binaries which are not patched. To avoid this, --no-auto-detect must be used with a locally-installed solc. See: foundry#545