
Welcome to the 30 Days of Node.js challenge! This journey will take you through the core concepts of Node.js, allowing you to build a solid foundation and develop powerful applications. Each day covers a specific topic or functionality, guiding you from the basics to more advanced concepts.


30 Days of Node.js

Welcome to the 30 Days of Node.js challenge! This journey will take you through the core concepts of Node.js, allowing you to build a solid foundation and develop powerful applications. Each day covers a specific topic or functionality, guiding you from the basics to more advanced concepts.

Table of Contents

Day 1: Hello World Learn how to create your first Node.js application that outputs "Hello World" to the console.

Day 2: Read File Discover how to read files using Node.js fs (File System) module.

Day 3: Write File Explore how to write data to a file using the fs module in Node.js.

Day 4: HTTP Server Create a basic HTTP server using Node.js to serve web content.

Day 5: Command Line Application Build a simple command-line application using Node.js that takes user input and provides output.

Day 6: Print All File Names Write a script that prints the names of all files in a directory.

Day 7: Simple Calculator Develop a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers.

Day 8: Event Emitter Understand how to use Node.js's EventEmitter to create custom events and handle them.

Day 9: JSON File Handling Learn to read from and write to JSON files using Node.js.

Day 10: TCP Server Set up a TCP server in Node.js to handle data communication over TCP/IP.

Day 11: Hello using Express Get started with Express.js by creating a simple "Hello World" application.

Day 12: Route Parameters Learn how to handle route parameters in Express.js for dynamic URL handling.

Day 13: Query Parameters Understand how to handle query parameters in Express.js.

Day 14: Serve Static Files Set up an Express.js server to serve static files like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Day 15: Middleware Dive into Express.js middleware to handle requests, responses, and perform additional processing.

Day 16: JSON Understand how to work with JSON in Node.js for data exchange.

Day 17: JSON Response Create an Express.js server that responds with JSON data.

Day 18: Error Handling Learn to handle errors gracefully in Node.js and Express.js applications.

Day 19: CRUD Operations Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations using Express.js and a database.

Day 20: EJS Template Engine Use EJS (Embedded JavaScript) as a templating engine for building dynamic web pages.

Day 21: Get Data from MongoDB Learn how to retrieve data from a MongoDB database using Node.js.

Day 22: Insert Data using MongoDB Insert data into a MongoDB database using Node.js.

Day 23: Update Data using MongoDB Update existing data in a MongoDB database using Node.js.

Day 24: Delete Data using MongoDB Delete data from a MongoDB database using Node.js.

Day 25: Create a Mongoose Schema Define and use Mongoose schemas to model data in MongoDB.

Day 26: Database Connection using Mongoose Connect to a MongoDB database using Mongoose and perform basic operations.

Day 27: App using Mongoose Build a complete application using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose to interact with MongoDB.

Day 28: Final Project - Part 1 Start building a comprehensive project that combines all the concepts learned.

Day 29: Final Project - Part 2 Continue developing the final project, focusing on implementing core functionalities.

Day 30: Final Project - Part 3 Complete and finalize the project, ensuring it is fully functional and well-documented.


This challenge is inspired by the Node.js tutorials from DropxOut's YouTube playlist: Node.js Playlist .

Get Started

Clone this repository and start your Node.js journey by following the day-wise challenges. Happy coding!

git clone https://github.com/ashishalf/30DaysOfNodejs.git
cd 30DaysOfNodejs

Let the challenge begin! 🚀