
Send a load of requests with nodejs using cluster and with/without Tor for anonymisation

MIT License


⚠️ Disclamer, This repo has been created for an educative purpose. I am not related to any person who might use this project for the wrong reason. ⚠️

Getting started

Check your node version, it must be 17.6.0, otherwise you can use nvm as follow

nvm install 17
nvm use 17

Optional anonymisation

The following steps are optional and only needed if you want to use the anonymisation

First, you need to install Tor on your machine since the requests will transit through it in order to get anonymous requests.

# On Mac OS 
brew install tor

Or follow the link here or here

you can then find the configuration file located here (on mac os) /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc.sample. You can remove the .sample to make it effective.

Finally, you can start your tor service

# On Mac OS
tor & # & make tor running as a background process

alternativaly, you can also install the Tor browser


Start by populating targets.json with the websites you want to test. Here is how to fill the json file

    "data": [

Update the config.json file to customise the test. Here is the example config.json.

	"requestPerBatch": 20,
	"logEveryMs": 150,
	"delayBetweenBatch": 500,
	"cpuUsageRatio": 1,
	"socksProxies": ["socks5h://"]

The socksProxies configuration is optional and correspond to the anonymisation using TOR as explained in the Getting started section. It correspond to a set of Tor sockets that will be used as proxy for the requests.



Run the following commands to be able to launch your servers and the load test on it.

npm run start-server:test
npm run start

this command npm run start-server:test will start a local sever on which you can try to send some requests. Find your public IP and open a port on your router to redirect the request to your local server. Then, add your public IP and port prefixed with the protocol in target.json file.


To really start the load test, you only need to fill your target.json file with the websites you want to test and eventually update your config.json file. then run the command npm run start only.

Contribute 🗳️

Contributions are welcome! You can look at the contribution guidelines