
Resize images by giving the width, height and file name, build with Node (Express)


Image Processing API

Resize images by giving the width, height and file name

Build and Start Project

To Install all dependencies, run the following command

  npm install

To build, run the following command

  npm run build

To Start developing , run the following command

  npm run dev

To Start Production , run the following command

  npm start

Testing | esLint | prettier

To test , run the following command

  npm run test

To code formating prettier , run the following command

  npm run format

To eslint , run the following command

  npm run eslint

To eslint fix code , run the following command

  npm run eslint:fix



images Filename: [encenadaport, fjord, icelandwaterfall, palmtunnel, santamonica]

Example: localhost:3000/resize?filename=fjord&width=800&height=600