Welcome to my Advent of Code solutions repo!

MIT License


Advent of Code

Hi! This is my repository for my solutions to Advent of Code challenges.


You can find my solutions in the events folder. Each yearly event has its own folder, and each day has its own folder within that. Each day folder contains the input I was given for the challenge and the program I made to calculate my solution (could be any language I choose). I'll also include a file in each day folder that explains the challenge (with a link) and my solution whenever I get around to it.

Note: If you see any gaps in the days, it's either because I haven't gotten around to solving it correctly, or I'm still rewriting it for readability.


I'll most likely not be accepting pull requests to my solution code other than cleanup or optimization (maybe), but you may contribute to the repository by editing the files. If you see a typo, something that could be worded better, or just innacuracies with the explanations, feel free to open a pull request with your changes. I'll review it and merge it if I like it. If you have a suggestion for a different solution to a challenge, you may open an issue and I'll take a look at it, but I won't be making new solution files, I'll probably just be explaning other routes to the solution in the file.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.