
api restful foi desenhada para gerir 'receitas de culinária' e os seus utilizadores | api restful is designed to manage 'culinary recipes' and their users

MIT License

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about api-culinary-recipes

api restful mrc (model-router-controller) was designed to manage 'culinary recipes' and its users; this first version we can to view recipes without being authenticated, the other features it will be necessary to register

between features we can create, view, view by id, edit, delete recipes and users

some of the frameworks | libraries used

name main features
babel babel-cli babel-preset-es2015 transforma (transpilador) o código ES6 (ECMScript6) para ES5 (versão que a maioria dos browsers dá suporte hoje)
bcrypt encrypts the password
body-parser converts input/output data to json
express organizes the api code to run on nodejs
express-validator valid data entry in the api - when inserting or editing data
jsonwebtoken implement the authentication process in the api
mongoose allow express to work with mongodb

requirements e installation



command line (windows):

$ git clone https://github.com/jreimao/api-culinary-recipes.git [Enter]
$ cd api-culinary-recipes [Enter]
$ npm install [Enter]
$ node index.js [Enter]

browser: ( domain/name-api/version-api/resource/ ) http://localhost:3000/api-culinary-recipes/v1/

http verbs

methods url s short description
get .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/recipe/ list recipes
get .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/recipe/:id recipe by id
post .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/recipe/ insert recipe
put .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/recipe/ edit recipe
delete .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/recipe/ delete recipe
get .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/user/:id user by id
post .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/user/ insert user
post .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/user/auth autthenticate user
put .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/user/ edit user
delete .../api-culinary-recipes/v1/user/ delete user

in bold all accesses that require authentication

examples of api responses:

http://localhost:3000/api-culinary-recipes/v1 Bem-vindo a API api-culinary-recipes versao 1

http://localhost:3000/api-culinary-recipes/v1/recipe [ { "_id": "58f782f4e5073921d43eb5b5", "title": "creme cenoura", "subtitle": "cremoso, fresco e saboraso", "cost": "", "duration": "20", "preparation": "", "difficulty": "fácil", "__v": 0, "video": [ "{'name': 'video1.avi'}", "{'name': 'video1.mpeg'}", ... ], "image": [ "{'name': 'cenouras.png'}", "{'name': 'pronto-para-saboriar.jpg'}", ... ], "ingredients": [ "{'name': 'cenoura'}", "{'name': 'gengibre'}", ... ] } ]

http://localhost:3000/api-culinary-recipes/v1/user/:58f780b994c5261624812cf5 [ { "_id": "58f780b994c5261624812cf5", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImpvYW8gcmVpbWFvIiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiIxMjM0NTYiLCJpYXQiOjE0OTI2MTUzNTN9.A4xVEVeg3sREWQp4GD4c8Faiw_JO4zx_hSVYYPEYdBY", "password": "$2a$09$dslbnOI.CQ0C/JRoAKGN/.sgKrgbUO4lx98cdBbNyKQjFkN7.o78S", "email": "[email protected]", "name": "joao reimao", "__v": 0 } ]



free application


photo joão reimão joão reimão | web and mobile programmer | email: [email protected]