
Nodejs API Server - Express / SQLite / MongoDB | AppSeed

MIT License


Nodejs API Server Mongo

Simple starter built with Typescrypt / Express / MongoDB and JWT Auth powered by Passport library - provided and actively supported by AppSeed App Generator. The authentication flow is based on json web tokens and passport-jwt strategy - Inspired by other great OSS starters mentioned in the credits section.


  • API Definition - the unified API structure implemented by this server
  • ✅ Simple, intuitive codebase - built for beginners (can be extended with ease)
  • ✅ Node JS / Express / Typescript
  • Persistance: MongoDB
  • ✅ Auth: Passport / passport-jwt strategy
  • Docker

Can be used with other React Starters for a complete Full-Stack experience:

React Node JS Berry React Node Soft Dashboard React Node Horizon
React Node JS Berry React Node Soft Dashboard React Node Horizon


How to use the code

Create .env from .env.sample

Update the file with your data.

Clone the sources

$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/api-server-nodejs-mongo.git
$ cd api-server-nodejs-mongo

Install dependencies via NPM or Yarn

$ npm i
// OR
$ yarn

Start the API server - development mode

$ npm dev
// OR
$ yarn dev

Start the API server - for production (files served from build/build/index.js)

$ npm start
// OR
$ yarn start

The API server will start using the PORT specified in .env file (default 5000)

Codebase Structure

< ROOT / src >
     |-- config/                              
     |    |-- config.ts             # Configuration       
     |    |-- passport.ts           # Define Passport Strategy             
     |-- models/                              
     |    |-- activeSession.ts      # Sessions Model (Mongo)              
     |    |-- user.ts               # User Model (Mongo) 
     |-- routes/                              
     |    |-- users.ts              # Define Users API Routes
     |-- index.js                     # API Entry Point
     |-- .env                       # Specify the ENV variables
     |-- ************************************************************************

Mongo Settings

The Mongo URI lives in config/keys.js

... = 'mongodb://localhost/api_server_nodejs'


For a fast set up, use this POSTMAN file: api_sample

Register - api/users/signup

POST api/users/signup
Content-Type: application/json

    "email":"[email protected]"

Login - api/users/login

POST /api/users/login
Content-Type: application/json

    "email":"[email protected]"

Logout - api/users/logout

POST api/users/logout
Content-Type: application/json
authorization: JWT_TOKEN (returned by Login request)



MIT @ AppSeed


This software is provided by the core AppSeed team with an inspiration from other great NodeJS starters:

Nodejs API Server Mongo - provided by AppSeed App Generator