
A recursive async iterator of the files and directories in a given directory. Can take multiple directories and files, limit walk depth and filter based on path names and stat results.

MIT License



A recursive async iterator of the files and directories in a given folder. Can take multiple folders, limit walk depth and filter based on path names and stat results.


npm install async-folder-walker


const { asyncFolderWalker, allFiles } = require('async-folder-walker')

async function iterateFiles () {
  const walker = asyncFolderWalker(['.git', 'node_modules'])
  for await (const file of walker) {
    console.log(file) // logs the file path!

async function getAllFiles () {
  const allFilepaths = await allFiles(['.git', 'node_modules'])

iterateFiles().then(() => getAllFiles())


const { asyncFolderWalker, allFiles } = require('async-folder-walker')

Import asyncFolderWalker or allFiles.

async-gen = asyncFolderWalker(paths, [opts])

Return an async generator that will iterate over all of files inside of a directory. paths can be a string path or an Array of string paths.

You can iterate over each file and directory individually using a for-await...of loop. Note, you must be inside an async function statement.

const { asyncFolderWalker } = require('async-folder-walker')
async function iterateFiles () {
  const walker = asyncFolderWalker(['.git', 'node_modules'])
  for await (const file of walker) {
    console.log(file) // logs the file path!


Opts include:

  fs: require('fs'),
  pathFilter: filepath => true,
  statFilter st => true,
  ignore: [],
  maxDepth: Infinity,
  shaper: ({ root, filepath, stat, relname, basename }) => filepath

The pathFilter function allows you to filter files from additional async stat operations. Return false to filter the file.

{ // exclude node_modules
  pathFilter: filepath => !filepath.includes(node_modules)

The statFilter function allows you to filter files based on the internal stat operation. Return false to filter the file.

{ // exclude all directories:
  statFilter: st => !st.isDirectory()

The ignore option can be a string or or array of strings that should follow gitignore style ignore strings. Files and directories that match are ignored.

{ // Ignore node_modules at any depth and any file starting with a .
  ['node_modules', '.*']

The shaper function lets you change the shape of the returned value based on data accumulaed during the iteration. To return the same shape as okdistribute/folder-walker use the following function:

{ // Return the same shape as folder-walker
  shaper: fwData => fwData

Example of a fwData object for a directory:

  root: '/Users/bret/repos/async-folder-walker/fixtures',
  filepath: '/Users/bret/repos/async-folder-walker/fixtures/sub-folder/sub-sub-folder',
  stat: Stats {
    dev: 16777220,
    mode: 16877,
    nlink: 3,
    uid: 501,
    gid: 20,
    rdev: 0,
    blksize: 4096,
    ino: 30244023,
    size: 96,
    blocks: 0,
    atimeMs: 1574381262779.8396,
    mtimeMs: 1574380914743.5474,
    ctimeMs: 1574380914743.5474,
    birthtimeMs: 1574380905232.5996,
    atime: 2019-11-22T00:07:42.780Z,
    mtime: 2019-11-22T00:01:54.744Z,
    ctime: 2019-11-22T00:01:54.744Z,
    birthtime: 2019-11-22T00:01:45.233Z
  relname: 'sub-folder/sub-sub-folder',
  basename: 'sub-sub-folder'

and another example for a file on windows:

  root: 'D:\\a\\async-folder-walker\\async-folder-walker\\fixtures',
  filepath: 'D:\\a\\async-folder-walker\\async-folder-walker\\fixtures\\sub-folder\\sub-sub-folder\\sub-sub-folder-file.json',
  stat: Stats {
    dev: 1321874112,
    mode: 33206,
    nlink: 1,
    uid: 0,
    gid: 0,
    rdev: 0,
    blksize: 4096,
    ino: 562949953421580,
    size: 37,
    blocks: 0,
    atimeMs: 1577476819530.035,
    mtimeMs: 1577476819530.035,
    ctimeMs: 1577476819530.035,
    birthtimeMs: 1577476819530.035,
    atime: 2019-12-27T20:00:19.530Z,
    mtime: 2019-12-27T20:00:19.530Z,
    ctime: 2019-12-27T20:00:19.530Z,
    birthtime: 2019-12-27T20:00:19.530Z
  relname: 'sub-folder\\sub-sub-folder\\sub-sub-folder-file.json',
  basename: 'sub-sub-folder-file.json'

The stat property is an instance of fs.Stats so it has extra methods not listed here.

files = await allFiles(paths, [opts])

Get an Array of all files inside of a directory. paths can be a single string path or an array of string paths.

opts Is the same as asyncFolderWalker.

See also

This module is effectivly a rewrite of okdistribute/folder-walker using async generators instead of Node streams, and a few tweaks to the underlying options to make the results a bit more flexible.
