
Example Azure OpenAI deployment and RBAC role for your user account for keyless access

MIT License


Azure OpenAI keyless deployment

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OverviewGet startedRun the sampleResourcesGuidance


This sample shows how to to provision an Azure OpenAI account with an RBAC role permission for your user account to access, so that you can use the OpenAI API SDKs with keyless (Entra) authentication. Keyless authentication is a recommended security practice to reduce risks with API keys.

Getting started

There are multiple ways to get started with this project.

The quickest way is to use GitHub Codespaces that provides a preconfigured environment for you. Alternatively, you can set up your local environment following the instructions below.

Use your local environment

You need to install following tools to work on your local machine:

  • Node.js LTS
  • Azure Developer CLI
  • Git
  • PowerShell 7+ (for Windows users only)
    • Important: Ensure you can run pwsh.exe from a PowerShell command. If this fails, you likely need to upgrade PowerShell.
    • Instead of Powershell, you can also use Git Bash or WSL to run the Azure Developer CLI commands.

Then you can get the project code:

  1. Fork the project to create your own copy of this repository.
  2. On your forked repository, select the Code button, then the Local tab, and copy the URL of your forked repository.

Use GitHub Codespaces

You can run this project directly in your browser by using GitHub Codespaces, which will open a web-based VS Code:

Use a VSCode dev container

A similar option to Codespaces is VS Code Dev Containers, that will open the project in your local VS Code instance using the Dev Containers extension.

You will also need to have Docker installed on your machine to run the container.

Run the sample

Azure prerequisites

  • Azure account. If you're new to Azure, get an Azure account for free to get free Azure credits to get started. If you're a student, you can also get free credits with Azure for Students.
  • Azure subscription with access enabled for the Azure OpenAI service. You can request access with this form.
  • Azure account permissions:
    • Your Azure account must have Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions, such as Role Based Access Control Administrator, User Access Administrator, or Owner. If you don't have subscription-level permissions, you must be granted RBAC for an existing resource group and deploy to that existing group by running these commands:
      azd env set AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP <name of existing resource group>
      azd env set AZURE_LOCATION <location of existing resource group>
    • Your Azure account also needs Microsoft.Resources/deployments/write permissions on the subscription level.


Pricing varies per region and usage, so it isn't possible to predict exact costs for your usage. However, you can use the Azure pricing calculator for the resources below to get an estimate.

  • Azure OpenAI: Standard tier, GPT model. Pricing per 1K tokens used, and at least 1K tokens are used per question. Pricing

Provision Azure OpenAI resources

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the project.
  2. Authenticate with Azure by running azd auth login.
  3. Run azd provision to provision the Azure resources.
    • You will be prompted to select a location for your OpenAI resource. If you're unsure of which location to choose, select eastus2. See OpenAI model availability table for more information.

The deployment process will take a few minutes. Once it's done, a .env file will be created in the root folder with the environment variables needed to run the application.

Run the JavaScript sample

First make sure you have provisioned the Azure OpenAI resources, and that you have the .env file in the root folder.

  1. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  2. Run npm start to run the example.

This will use the OpenAI SDK to make a request to the OpenAI API and print the response to the console.

Clean up

To clean up all the Azure resources created by this sample:

  1. Run azd down --purge
  2. When asked if you are sure you want to continue, enter y

The resource group and all the resources will be deleted.


Here are some resources to learn more about Azure OpenAI and related technologies:

You can also find more Azure AI samples here.


Region availability

This template uses model gpt-35-turbo (0613) which may not be available in all Azure regions. Check for up-to-date region availability and select a region during deployment accordingly.

We recommend using East US 2 if you're unsure of which region to choose.


This template has Managed Identity built in to eliminate the need for developers to manage these credentials. Applications can use managed identities to obtain Microsoft Entra tokens without having to handle any secrets in the code. Additionally, we're using Microsoft Security DevOps GitHub Action to scan the infrastructure-as-code files and generates a report containing any detected issues.


If you have any issue when running or deploying this sample, please check the troubleshooting guide. If you can't find a solution to your problem, please open an issue in this repository.


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Extracted from project README
Open project in GitHub Codespaces License Open in GitHub Codespaces Open in Dev Containers