
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for JavaScript (NodeJS & Browser). For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at or our versioned developer docs at

MIT License

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure-rest/communication-messages_1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/identity-cache-persistence_1.1.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/core-amqp_4.2.1

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/openai-assistants_1.0.0-beta.5

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

1.0.0-beta.5 (2024-03-01)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed issue 28561 - OpenAI uses unix timestamps so all Date instances are broken
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-largeinstance_1.0.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

1.0.0-beta.1 (2024-02-23)

The package of @azure/arm-largeinstance is using our next generation design principles. To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure-rest/communication-messages_1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/notification-hubs_1.1.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-astro_1.0.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

1.0.0-beta.1 (2024-02-07)

The package of @azure/arm-astro is using our next generation design principles. To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-playwrighttesting_1.0.0-beta.2

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

1.0.0-beta.2 (2024-01-31)


  • Added Interface AccountProperties
  • Added Interface AccountUpdateProperties
  • Added Interface QuotaProperties
  • Interface Account has a new optional parameter properties
  • Interface AccountUpdate has a new optional parameter properties
  • Interface Quota has a new optional parameter properties

Breaking Changes

  • Interface Account no longer has parameter dashboardUri
  • Interface Account no longer has parameter provisioningState
  • Interface Account no longer has parameter regionalAffinity
  • Interface Account no longer has parameter reporting
  • Interface Account no longer has parameter scalableExecution
  • Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter regionalAffinity
  • Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter reporting
  • Interface AccountUpdate no longer has parameter scalableExecution
  • Interface Quota no longer has parameter freeTrial
  • Interface Quota no longer has parameter provisioningState
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-containerservice_19.8.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

19.8.0-beta.1 (2024-02-05)


  • Added operation group Machines
  • Added operation group ManagedClusterSnapshots
  • Added operation group OperationStatusResultOperations
  • Added operation AgentPools.beginDeleteMachines
  • Added operation AgentPools.beginDeleteMachinesAndWait
  • Added operation ManagedClusters.getGuardrailsVersions
  • Added operation ManagedClusters.getSafeguardsVersions
  • Added operation ManagedClusters.listGuardrailsVersions
  • Added operation ManagedClusters.listSafeguardsVersions
  • Added Interface AgentPoolArtifactStreamingProfile
  • Added Interface AgentPoolDeleteMachinesParameter
  • Added Interface AgentPoolGPUProfile
  • Added Interface AgentPoolsDeleteMachinesHeaders
  • Added Interface AgentPoolsDeleteMachinesOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AgentPoolSecurityProfile
  • Added Interface AgentPoolWindowsProfile
  • Added Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfileKubeProxyConfig
  • Added Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfileKubeProxyConfigIpvsConfig
  • Added Interface GuardrailsAvailableVersion
  • Added Interface GuardrailsAvailableVersionsList
  • Added Interface GuardrailsAvailableVersionsProperties
  • Added Interface Machine
  • Added Interface MachineIpAddress
  • Added Interface MachineListResult
  • Added Interface MachineNetworkProperties
  • Added Interface MachineProperties
  • Added Interface MachinesGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MachinesListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MachinesListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterAIToolchainOperatorProfile
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileAppMonitoring
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileAppMonitoringOpenTelemetryMetrics
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileContainerInsights
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileLogs
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileWindowsHostLogs
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterCostAnalysis
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterIngressProfile
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterIngressProfileWebAppRouting
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterMetricsProfile
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterNodeProvisioningProfile
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterNodeResourceGroupProfile
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfileImageIntegrity
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfileNodeRestriction
  • Added Interface ManagedClustersGetGuardrailsVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClustersGetSafeguardsVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClustersListGuardrailsVersionsNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClustersListGuardrailsVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClustersListSafeguardsVersionsNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClustersListSafeguardsVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshot
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotListResult
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManagedClusterSnapshotsUpdateTagsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ManualScaleProfile
  • Added Interface NetworkMonitoring
  • Added Interface NetworkProfileForSnapshot
  • Added Interface OperationStatusResult
  • Added Interface OperationStatusResultGetByAgentPoolOptionalParams
  • Added Interface OperationStatusResultGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface OperationStatusResultList
  • Added Interface OperationStatusResultListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface OperationStatusResultListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SafeguardsAvailableVersion
  • Added Interface SafeguardsAvailableVersionsList
  • Added Interface SafeguardsAvailableVersionsProperties
  • Added Interface SafeguardsProfile
  • Added Interface ScaleProfile
  • Added Interface VirtualMachineNodes
  • Added Interface VirtualMachinesProfile
  • Added Type Alias AddonAutoscaling
  • Added Type Alias AgentPoolsDeleteMachinesResponse
  • Added Type Alias AgentPoolSSHAccess
  • Added Type Alias GuardrailsSupport
  • Added Type Alias IpvsScheduler
  • Added Type Alias Level
  • Added Type Alias MachinesGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias MachinesListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias MachinesListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClustersGetGuardrailsVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClustersGetSafeguardsVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListGuardrailsVersionsNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListGuardrailsVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListSafeguardsVersionsNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListSafeguardsVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsUpdateTagsResponse
  • Added Type Alias Mode
  • Added Type Alias NodeProvisioningMode
  • Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultGetByAgentPoolResponse
  • Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultListResponse
  • Added Type Alias RestrictionLevel
  • Added Type Alias SafeguardsSupport
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter artifactStreamingProfile
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter enableCustomCATrust
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter gpuProfile
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter messageOfTheDay
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter nodeInitializationTaints
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter securityProfile
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter virtualMachineNodesStatus
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter virtualMachinesProfile
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter windowsProfile
  • Interface AgentPoolsDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter ignorePodDisruptionBudget
  • Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new optional parameter kubeProxyConfig
  • Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new optional parameter monitoring
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter aiToolchainOperatorProfile
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter creationData
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter enableNamespaceResources
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter ingressProfile
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter metricsProfile
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter nodeProvisioningProfile
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter nodeResourceGroupProfile
  • Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter safeguardsProfile
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter artifactStreamingProfile
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter enableCustomCATrust
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter gpuProfile
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter messageOfTheDay
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter nodeInitializationTaints
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter securityProfile
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter virtualMachineNodesStatus
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter virtualMachinesProfile
  • Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter windowsProfile
  • Interface ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new optional parameter enableVnetIntegration
  • Interface ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new optional parameter subnetId
  • Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfile has a new optional parameter logs
  • Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileMetrics has a new optional parameter appMonitoringOpenTelemetryMetrics
  • Interface ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig has a new optional parameter effectiveNoProxy
  • Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new optional parameter daemonsetEvictionForEmptyNodes
  • Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new optional parameter daemonsetEvictionForOccupiedNodes
  • Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new optional parameter ignoreDaemonsetsUtilization
  • Interface ManagedClustersDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter ignorePodDisruptionBudget
  • Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter customCATrustCertificates
  • Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter imageIntegrity
  • Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter nodeRestriction
  • Interface ManagedClusterStorageProfileDiskCSIDriver has a new optional parameter version
  • Interface ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfileVerticalPodAutoscaler has a new optional parameter addonAutoscaling
  • Added Enum KnownAddonAutoscaling
  • Added Enum KnownAgentPoolSSHAccess
  • Added Enum KnownGuardrailsSupport
  • Added Enum KnownIpvsScheduler
  • Added Enum KnownLevel
  • Added Enum KnownMode
  • Added Enum KnownNodeProvisioningMode
  • Added Enum KnownRestrictionLevel
  • Added Enum KnownSafeguardsSupport
  • Enum KnownAgentPoolType has a new value VirtualMachines
  • Enum KnownNetworkPolicy has a new value None
  • Enum KnownNodeOSUpgradeChannel has a new value SecurityPatch
  • Enum KnownOssku has a new value Mariner
  • Enum KnownOssku has a new value WindowsAnnual
  • Enum KnownPublicNetworkAccess has a new value SecuredByPerimeter
  • Enum KnownSnapshotType has a new value ManagedCluster
  • Enum KnownWorkloadRuntime has a new value KataMshvVmIsolation
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-apicenter_1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

1.0.0 (2024-02-21)

The package of @azure/arm-apicenter is using our next generation design principles. To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-network_33.1.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

33.1.0 (2024-02-02)


  • Interface BastionHost has a new optional parameter zones
  • Enum KnownVirtualNetworkPrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies has a new value NetworkSecurityGroupEnabled
  • Enum KnownVirtualNetworkPrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies has a new value RouteTableEnabled
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-redisenterprisecache_3.0.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

3.0.0 (2024-01-31)


  • Added operation Databases.beginFlush
  • Added operation Databases.beginFlushAndWait
  • Added operation PrivateEndpointConnections.beginDelete
  • Added operation PrivateEndpointConnections.beginDeleteAndWait
  • Added Interface ClusterPropertiesEncryption
  • Added Interface ClusterPropertiesEncryptionCustomerManagedKeyEncryption
  • Added Interface ClusterPropertiesEncryptionCustomerManagedKeyEncryptionKeyIdentity
  • Added Interface DatabasesFlushHeaders
  • Added Interface DatabasesFlushOptionalParams
  • Added Interface FlushParameters
  • Added Interface ManagedServiceIdentity
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpointConnectionsDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface UserAssignedIdentity
  • Added Type Alias CmkIdentityType
  • Added Type Alias ManagedServiceIdentityType
  • Interface Cluster has a new optional parameter encryption
  • Interface Cluster has a new optional parameter identity
  • Interface ClusterUpdate has a new optional parameter encryption
  • Interface ClusterUpdate has a new optional parameter identity
  • Interface PrivateEndpointConnectionsDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
  • Interface PrivateEndpointConnectionsDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
  • Added Enum KnownCmkIdentityType
  • Added Enum KnownManagedServiceIdentityType
  • Enum KnownResourceState has a new value Scaling
  • Enum KnownResourceState has a new value ScalingFailed

Breaking Changes

  • Removed operation PrivateEndpointConnections.delete
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-datafactory_14.0.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

14.0.0 (2024-02-04)


  • Added Interface SnowflakeV2Dataset
  • Added Interface SnowflakeV2LinkedService
  • Added Interface SnowflakeV2Sink
  • Added Interface SnowflakeV2Source
  • Added Interface WarehouseLinkedService
  • Added Interface WarehouseSink
  • Added Interface WarehouseSource
  • Added Interface WarehouseTableDataset
  • Added Type Alias SnowflakeAuthenticationType
  • Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2LinkedService has a new optional parameter authenticationType
  • Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source has a new optional parameter includeDeletedObjects
  • Interface SalesforceV2LinkedService has a new optional parameter authenticationType
  • Interface SalesforceV2Source has a new optional parameter includeDeletedObjects
  • Type of parameter type of interface CopySink has two new values "WarehouseSink" | "SnowflakeV2Sink"
  • Type of parameter type of interface CopySource has two new values "WarehouseSource" | "SnowflakeV2Source"
  • Type of parameter type of interface Dataset has two new values "SnowflakeV2Table" | "WarehouseTable"
  • Type of parameter type of interface LinkedService has two new values "SnowflakeV2" | "Warehouse"
  • Type of parameter type of interface TabularSource has a new value "WarehouseSource"
  • Added Enum KnownSnowflakeAuthenticationType

Breaking Changes

  • Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source no longer has parameter readBehavior
  • Interface SalesforceV2Source no longer has parameter readBehavior
  • Type of parameter headers of interface AzureFunctionActivity is changed from any to {
    [propertyName: string]: string;
  • Type of parameter headers of interface WebActivity is changed from any to {
    [propertyName: string]: string;
  • Type of parameter headers of interface WebHookActivity is changed from any to {
    [propertyName: string]: string;
  • Removed Enum KnownSalesforceV2SourceReadBehavior
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-streamanalytics_5.0.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

5.0.0-beta.1 (2024-02-07)


  • Added operation group SkuOperations
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginSampleInput
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginSampleInputAndWait
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestInput
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestInputAndWait
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestOutput
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestOutputAndWait
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestQuery
  • Added operation Subscriptions.beginTestQueryAndWait
  • Added operation Subscriptions.compileQuery
  • Added Interface AggregateFunctionProperties
  • Added Interface AzureDataExplorerOutputDataSource
  • Added Interface AzureFunctionOutputDataSource
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceFunctionBinding
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceFunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceInputColumn
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceInputs
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningServiceOutputColumn
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioFunctionBinding
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioFunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioInputColumn
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioInputs
  • Added Interface AzureMachineLearningStudioOutputColumn
  • Added Interface ClusterProperties
  • Added Interface CompileQuery
  • Added Interface CSharpFunctionBinding
  • Added Interface CSharpFunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters
  • Added Interface CustomClrSerialization
  • Added Interface DeltaSerialization
  • Added Interface EventGridStreamInputDataSource
  • Added Interface External_2
  • Added Interface FileReferenceInputDataSource
  • Added Interface GatewayMessageBusOutputDataSource
  • Added Interface GatewayMessageBusOutputDataSourceProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayMessageBusSourceProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayMessageBusStreamInputDataSource
  • Added Interface GatewayMessageBusStreamInputDataSourceProperties
  • Added Interface GetStreamingJobSkuResult
  • Added Interface GetStreamingJobSkuResults
  • Added Interface GetStreamingJobSkuResultSku
  • Added Interface InputWatermarkProperties
  • Added Interface LastOutputEventTimestamp
  • Added Interface OutputWatermarkProperties
  • Added Interface PostgreSQLDataSourceProperties
  • Added Interface PostgreSQLOutputDataSource
  • Added Interface PostgreSQLOutputDataSourceProperties
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpointProperties
  • Added Interface QueryCompilationError
  • Added Interface QueryCompilationResult
  • Added Interface QueryFunction
  • Added Interface QueryInput
  • Added Interface QueryTestingResult
  • Added Interface RawOutputDatasource
  • Added Interface RawReferenceInputDataSource
  • Added Interface RawStreamInputDataSource
  • Added Interface RefreshConfiguration
  • Added Interface SampleInput
  • Added Interface SampleInputResult
  • Added Interface SkuCapacity
  • Added Interface SkuListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SkuListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionsCompileQueryOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionsSampleInputOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionsTestInputOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionsTestOutputOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SubscriptionsTestQueryOptionalParams
  • Added Interface TestDatasourceResult
  • Added Interface TestInput
  • Added Interface TestOutput
  • Added Interface TestQuery
  • Added Interface TestQueryDiagnostics
  • Added Type Alias BlobWriteMode
  • Added Type Alias EventGridEventSchemaType
  • Added Type Alias InputWatermarkMode
  • Added Type Alias OutputWatermarkMode
  • Added Type Alias QueryTestingResultStatus
  • Added Type Alias ResourceType
  • Added Type Alias SampleInputResultStatus
  • Added Type Alias SkuCapacityScaleType
  • Added Type Alias SkuListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias SkuListResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionsCompileQueryResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionsSampleInputResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionsTestInputResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionsTestOutputResponse
  • Added Type Alias SubscriptionsTestQueryResponse
  • Added Type Alias TestDatasourceResultStatus
  • Added Type Alias UpdatableUdfRefreshType
  • Added Type Alias UpdateMode
  • Interface AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface AzureSynapseDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface AzureSynapseOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface BlobDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface BlobOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter blobPathPrefix
  • Interface BlobOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter blobWriteMode
  • Interface BlobOutputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter blobPathPrefix
  • Interface BlobOutputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter blobWriteMode
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter blobName
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter deltaPathPattern
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter deltaSnapshotRefreshRate
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter fullSnapshotRefreshRate
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSource has a new optional parameter sourcePartitionCount
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter blobName
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter deltaPathPattern
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter deltaSnapshotRefreshRate
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter fullSnapshotRefreshRate
  • Interface BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter sourcePartitionCount
  • Interface BlobStreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface Cluster has a new optional parameter properties
  • Interface DocumentDbOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface EventHubDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter partitionCount
  • Interface EventHubOutputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
  • Interface EventHubStreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
  • Interface EventHubStreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter prefetchCount
  • Interface EventHubStreamInputDataSourceProperties has a new optional parameter prefetchCount
  • Interface EventHubV2OutputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
  • Interface EventHubV2StreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter partitionCount
  • Interface EventHubV2StreamInputDataSource has a new optional parameter prefetchCount
  • Interface FunctionProperties has a new optional parameter binding
  • Interface FunctionProperties has a new optional parameter inputs
  • Interface FunctionProperties has a new optional parameter output
  • Interface FunctionsTestOptionalParams has a new optional parameter function
  • Interface Identity has a new optional parameter userAssignedIdentities
  • Interface InputProperties has a new optional parameter watermarkSettings
  • Interface Output has a new optional parameter lastOutputEventTimestamps
  • Interface Output has a new optional parameter watermarkSettings
  • Interface PrivateEndpoint has a new optional parameter properties
  • Interface Sku has a new optional parameter capacity
  • Interface StorageAccount has a new optional parameter authenticationMode
  • Interface StreamingJob has a new optional parameter externals
  • Interface StreamingJob has a new optional parameter skuPropertiesSku
  • Type of parameter type of interface FunctionBinding is changed from "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" to "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/CLRUdf" | "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices"
  • Type of parameter type of interface FunctionProperties is changed from "Scalar" to "Scalar" | "Aggregate"
  • Type of parameter bindingType of interface FunctionRetrieveDefaultDefinitionParameters is changed from "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" to "Microsoft.MachineLearning/WebService" | "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/JavascriptUdf" | "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/CLRUdf"
  • Type of parameter type of interface OutputDataSource is changed from "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.Storage/Table" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/DataWarehouse" | "Microsoft.Storage/DocumentDB" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Queue" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Topic" | "PowerBI" | "Microsoft.DataLake/Accounts" to "Raw" | "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.Storage/Table" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/DataWarehouse" | "Microsoft.DBForPostgreSQL/servers/databases" | "Microsoft.Storage/DocumentDB" | "Microsoft.AzureFunction" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Queue" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Topic" | "PowerBI" | "Microsoft.DataLake/Accounts" | "GatewayMessageBus" | "Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases"
  • Type of parameter type of interface ReferenceInputDataSource is changed from "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database" to "File" | "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Raw" | "Microsoft.Sql/Server/Database"
  • Type of parameter type of interface Serialization is changed from "Parquet" | "Csv" | "Json" | "Avro" to "Delta" | "Parquet" | "CustomClr" | "Csv" | "Json" | "Avro"
  • Type of parameter type of interface StreamInputDataSource is changed from "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs" to "Microsoft.Storage/Blob" | "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" | "Microsoft.EventHub/EventHub" | "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs" | "Raw" | "GatewayMessageBus" | "Microsoft.EventGrid/EventSubscriptions"
  • Added Enum KnownBlobWriteMode
  • Added Enum KnownEventGridEventSchemaType
  • Added Enum KnownInputWatermarkMode
  • Added Enum KnownOutputWatermarkMode
  • Added Enum KnownQueryTestingResultStatus
  • Added Enum KnownResourceType
  • Added Enum KnownSampleInputResultStatus
  • Added Enum KnownSkuCapacityScaleType
  • Added Enum KnownTestDatasourceResultStatus
  • Added Enum KnownUpdatableUdfRefreshType
  • Added Enum KnownUpdateMode
  • Enum KnownEventSerializationType has a new value CustomClr
  • Enum KnownEventSerializationType has a new value Delta

Breaking Changes

  • Interface AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource no longer has parameter table
  • Interface Cluster no longer has parameter capacityAllocated
  • Interface Cluster no longer has parameter capacityAssigned
  • Interface Cluster no longer has parameter clusterId
  • Interface Cluster no longer has parameter createdDate
  • Interface Cluster no longer has parameter provisioningState
  • Interface FunctionsTestOptionalParams no longer has parameter functionParam
  • Interface PrivateEndpoint no longer has parameter createdDate
  • Interface PrivateEndpoint no longer has parameter manualPrivateLinkServiceConnections
  • Interface StreamAnalyticsManagementClientOptionalParams no longer has parameter apiVersion
  • Class StreamAnalyticsManagementClient no longer has parameter apiVersion
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-storagecache_7.1.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

7.1.0-beta.1 (2024-02-01)


  • Added Interface AmlFilesystemRootSquashSettings
  • Added Type Alias AmlFilesystemSquashMode
  • Interface AmlFilesystem has a new optional parameter rootSquashSettings
  • Interface AmlFilesystemUpdate has a new optional parameter rootSquashSettings
  • Added Enum KnownAmlFilesystemSquashMode
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-recoveryservices-siterecovery_5.2.0

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

5.2.0 (2024-02-09)


  • Added operation ReplicationFabrics.beginRemoveInfra
  • Added operation ReplicationFabrics.beginRemoveInfraAndWait
  • Added Interface ErrorAdditionalInfo
  • Added Interface ErrorDetail
  • Added Interface ErrorResponse
  • Added Interface ReplicationFabricsRemoveInfraHeaders
  • Added Interface ReplicationFabricsRemoveInfraOptionalParams
  • Added Type Alias ReplicationFabricsRemoveInfraResponse
  • Interface A2AEnableProtectionInput has a new optional parameter autoProtectionOfDataDisk
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/openai-assistants_1.0.0-beta.4

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

1.0.0-beta.4 (2024-02-27)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed issue 28561 - OpenAI uses unix timestamps so all Date instances are broken
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/core-lro_3.0.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

3.0.0-beta.1 (2024-02-25)

Initial implementation of next-generation for Long Running Operations (LROs) in which we deprecate the LroEngine support and change poller creation to a synchronized way.

  • LroEngine is deprecated and no long supported
  • The return type of createHttpPoller is changed from Promise<SimplePollerLike> to PollerLike
  • Some interfaces are renamed. SimplePollerLike is renamed as PollerLike, LroResponse is renamed as OperationResponse and LroResourceLocationConfig is to ResourceLocationConfig
  • Functions getOperationState(), getResult(), isDone() and isStopped() is changed to read-only attributes operationState, result, isDone and isStopped
  • Deprecated the attributes requestMethod and requestPath in LongRunningOperation
  • Added a new function serialize to help serialize the poller
  • Added a new function submitted to help wait for the poller submitted succesffully
  • Added a new parameter TRequest for OperationResponse to accept the raw request
  • Export the function deserializeState to the public
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3516027

Published by azure-sdk 8 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3516027 (2024-02-22)

  • Test Release Pipeline