
A Babel plugin that transforms the code contents of template literals lead by comments specifying a Prism.js language into syntax highlighted HTML.

MIT License



A Babel plugin that transforms the code contents of template literals lead by comments specifying a Prism.js language into syntax highlighted HTML.

Build-time syntax highlighting advantages:

  • 🚀 No runtime JS to slow page loads.
  • 🖌 Less client rendering work.
  • 🎨 Beautiful code the instant the HTML and CSS loads.


To install babel-plugin-syntax-highlight with npm, run:

npm install babel-plugin-syntax-highlight --save-dev

Configure Babel to use the plugin:

  "plugins": ["syntax-highlight"]


In a file transpiled by Babel, lead a template literal containing syntax to highlight with a comment containing syntax-highlight and a Prism.js language name:

const highlighted = /* syntax-highlight graphql */ `
  scalar Upload

The comment may be surrounded by others on the same or other lines for editor syntax highlighting, Prettier formatting, etc.

const highlighted =
  /* syntax-highlight graphql */
  /* GraphQL */ `
    scalar Upload

A block or line comment may be used:

const highlighted =
  // syntax-highlight graphql
  `scalar Upload`;

The plugin removes the comment (preserving surrounding comments) and transforms the template literal contents into HTML:

const highlighted = `<span class="token keyword">scalar</span> <span class="token class-name">Upload</span>`;

Styling the HTML is up to you; there are many theme stylesheets available. Often themes require <pre> and <code> containers with appropriate language classes.

A React component can be used display highlighted code with appropriate HTML and styles:

function SyntaxHighlightedCode({ language, code }) {
  return (
    <pre className={`language-${language}`}>
        dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: code }}
const syntaxHighlightedCode = (
  <SyntaxHighlightedCode language="css" code={highlighted} />


Supported runtime environments:

  • Node.js versions ^14.17.0 || ^16.0.0 || >= 18.0.0.

Projects must configure TypeScript to use types from the modules that have a // @ts-check comment:


The npm package babel-plugin-syntax-highlight features optimal JavaScript module design. These CommonJS modules are exported via the package.json field exports: