
CLI tools for BFast::Cloud platform.



CLI tools for manage your project ( s ) in BFast Cloud.

Pre request

  • Download and install NodeJs in your local PC. If you have it your good to go.

Get stated

Install package from npm by run for linux: sudo npm install -g bfast-tools. For windows run: npm install -g bfast-tools

BFast::Cloud Projects

You use this sub command to manage your remote bfast projects. bfast cloud for more commands.

Create a new project

Run the following command to create a new project

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast cloud create

List all projects

Run the following command to list all projects exist to your bfast cloud account

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast cloud list

Delete project

Run the following command to delete exist project to your bfast cloud account

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast cloud delete

Add a member to you project

Run the following command to add exist user of bfast to your bfast cloud account

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast cloud add-member

BFast::Cloud Database

You can manage your database instance using this sub command bfast database.

Switch dashboard on

You can switch a dashboard on for data browser.

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast database dashboard-on

Switch dashboard off

You can switch a dashboard off for data browser.

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast database dashboard-off

Open Database Playground

You must add manually a specif collection/table/domain to a realtime engine to subscribe to its events.

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast database playground

BFast::Cloud Functions

Write your system functions with zero effort. Sub command to manage your functions is bfast functions or bfast fs

Create a workspace

run bfast functions create <projectName>. For example.

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ bfast functions create bfastDemoFaas

after that navigate inside your project directory.

josh@xps:~/Desktop$ cd bfastDemoFaas

after that install dependencies

josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ npm install

Inside your workspace folder you will find a following folder structure

|__ functions
|   |__ .ignore
|   |__ index.mjs
|   |__ package.json
|__ bfast.json

Open index.mjs in your favorite text editor. You will see a commented example.

File bfast.json contain information of your BFast::Cloud project.

Write your custom functions

You use bfastnode package from npm to write your functions

Choose text editor of your choice like VSCode or WebStorm. You can write your function is different ways.

Single callback function

const {BFast} = require('bfastnode');

exports.mySingleFunctionName = BFast.functions().onHttpRequest('/mySingleFunctionName',(request, response)=>{
        // your business logic
        response.send('your response');

Many callback in array. Good if your apply a middleware before execute finally logic. Refer to ExpressJS Middlware

const {BFast} = require('bfastnode');

exports.myArrayFunctionName = BFast.funtion().onHttpRequest('/myArrayFunctionName', [
        (request, response, next)=>{
            // middleware logic
            request.query.from1 =  'query added in first callback';
        (request, response)=>{
            // your business logic

Mount express router. Your can use Express Router to manage complex routing. First run npm install express inside functions folder to add express module

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const {BFast} = require('bfastnode');

router.get('/', function (request, response) {
    // your logic
    response.send('get users');
});'/user', function (request, response) {
    // your logic
    response.send('User saved');

exports.functionNameUsingRouter = BFast.function().onHttpRequest('/functionNameUsingRouter',router);

You can mount an express app too!. First run npm install express inside functions folder to add express module

const express = require('express');
const app = new express();
const {BFast} = require('bfastnode');

app.get('/', function (request, response) {
    // your logic
    response.send('get users');
});'/user', function (request, response) {
    // your logic
    response.send('User saved');

exports.functionNameUsingExpressApp = BFast.function().onHttpRequest('/functionNameUsingExpressApp', app);

Serve functions locally

In your current project folder, run following script

  • Start a dev server ( auto restart when you change or edit a function )
josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ bfast functions serve --port 3000


josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ npm start
  • Start a static server which do not auto restart when you change or edit files in working directory
josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ bfast functions serve --port 3000 --static

Default port is 3000, but you can change it by change a value of port option.

When everything is ok, you will see BfastFunctions Engine Listening on 3000 or any port number you specify.

Use functions you write

  • If you use path field to specify address of your function you will use that path
  • If your do not use path field the your function will be available in this format
    <hostname>/function/<functionName>. For example by using curl
josh@xps:~$ curl http://localhost:3000/functions/functionName


josh@xps:~$ curl http://localhost:3000/<path>

Or open your browser and enter http://localhost:3000/functions/mySingleFunctionName if you use path field in your browser put this address http://localhost:3000/pathYouUse

Replace mySingleFunctionName with a function name you want to call.

Cloud Functions Deployment

You can deploy your functions to bfast cloud and host your server-less functions across our network.

Open Account

To publish your functions you must have a bfast cloud functions open one here BFAST::CLOUD. After open account now you create your new project and you go to next step

Login from your computer

Login from your computer by run.

josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ bfast user login

Link your local project to remote bfast project

Run their following in your bfast local project folder

josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ bfast cloud link

Set git environments

We use git to deploy your functions to bfast cloud function instance(s). Run thr following to set up git environments.

josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ bfast functions config

To publish your functions

  • Make sure you push all your production functions to master branch
  • Then run
josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ bfast functions deploy

NOTE You must push your project to a git repository you specify. BFast will look from master branch for functions.

Continuous Integration

  • Generate token to use it for your favorite CI tool
josh@xps:~/Desktop/bfastDemoFaas$ bfast user login:ci --username <PUT_EMAIL_YOU_USE_TO_OPEN_BFAST_ACCOUNT>

You can use token generated and example given to set your continuous integration environment.


In CI mode you must set projectId manually to deploy your functions your can find projectId from your project console in bfast cloud account

Notes To Take

  • In this documentation we use port 3000, if you use a different port to run your functions replace 3000 with a port number you use in all examples found in this document to be relevant.

  • You can create a javascript file anywhere inside functions folder or even create a sub folder and put your functions as illustrated above and bfast-tools package will discover your functions


Contact FahamuTech Team @Joshua Mshana ( [email protected] ) or leave an issue here at github