
An extremely quick way to create a CRUD API out of a JS object


An extremely quick way to create a CRUD server out of a JS object


Before using BlazeIt.js, you will need a MongoDB server installed either on your computer, or a network accessible server.

If not, download it here.

Then, in a Node.js project. Install BlazeIt.js with the following command:

npm install blazeit


Here's how to create a BlazeIt.js instance.

const {Blazeit} = require('blazeit');

const myBlazeItServer = new Blazeit({
    // Your settings here
    // Report to the documentation
    database: {
        hostname: 'localhost',
        name: 'test_blazeit',
    models: {
        person: {
            firstName: String,
            lastName: String,
            birthDay: Date,
            isMarried: Boolean,
            numberOfChildren: Number


When calling BlazeIt.js, you have to pass it arguments. Here are the possibilities:

  • server
    • port (default is 3000)
    • express (an existing express instance. If not given, BlazeIt will generate one)
    • bodyType (default is 'json', you can use 'json' or 'form')
  • database
    • hostname (default is localhost)
    • port (default is mongoDB's default: 27017)
    • name (default is 'Blazeit')
  • models

BlazeIt.js relies on Mongoose's data types, you can use any of the available types. Here's a list of those types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Date
  • Buffer
  • Boolean
  • Mixed
  • ObjectId
  • Array
  • Decimal128
  • Map

You can also create associations by defining the type as 'NAME_OF_ASSOCIATION'. Look below to see an example.

For more information, please visit the offical Mongoose documentation.


Here's an example of a BlazeIt.js server with a list of Employees

const {Blazeit} = require('blazeit');

const myBlazeItServer = new Blazeit({
    // Your settings here
    // Report to the documentation
    server: {
        port: 3000
    database: {
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 27017,
        name: 'MyCompanyAPI',
    models: {
        employee: {
            firstName: String,
            lastName: String,
            email: String,
            phone: String,
            jobDescription: String,
            sector: 'sector'
        sector: {
            name: String,
            manager: 'employee'

In this example, the following routes will be generated:

  • GET localhost:3000/employee : Gets all the employees

  • GET localhost:3000/employee/:id : Gets the employee with the given id

  • POST localhost:3000/employee : Adds a new employee

  • PUT localhost:3000/employee : Edits an existing employee

  • DELETE localhost:3000/employee : Deleting an existing employee

  • GET localhost:3000/sector : Gets all the sectors

  • GET localhost:3000/sector/:id : Gets the sector with the given id

  • POST localhost:3000/sector : Adds a new sector

  • PUT localhost:3000/sector : Edits an existing sector

  • DELETE localhost:3000/sector : Deleting an existing sector


BlazeIt.js is free of charge and can be modified and shared freely. Although it comes with absolutely NO warranty whatsoever.

So please, be minded of that before starting any type of project with BlazeIt.js