
🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.

MIT License


Carbon CLI

🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.

Table of Contents

Description is an excellent tool that lets you generate beautiful images of your source code through an intuitive UI while allowing you to customize aspects like fonts, themes, window controls, and & more.

carbon-now-cli gives you the full power of Carbon — right at your fingertips, inside the terminal.

Generate beautiful images from a source file, or sections of a source file, by running a single command.

Want to customize everything before generating the image? Run it in ⚡️ interactive mode. ⚡️ 😎




pnpm i -g carbon-now-cli


npm i -g carbon-now-cli


yarn global add carbon-now-cli


npx carbon-now-cli <file>



Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.

  $ carbon-now <file>
  $ pbpaste | carbon-now
  $ carbon-now --from-clipboard

  -s, --start          Starting line of input
  -e, --end            Ending line of input
  -i, --interactive    Interactive mode
  -p, --preset         Apply an existing preset
  --save-to            Image save location, default: cwd
  --save-as            Image name, default: original-hash.{png|svg}
  --from-clipboard     Read input from clipboard instead of file
  --to-clipboard       Copy image to clipboard
  --open-in-browser    Open in browser instead of saving
  --config             Use a different, local config (read-only)
  --disable-headless   Run Playwright in headful mode
  --engine             Use different rendering engine, default: `chromium`
                       Options: `chromium`, `firefox`, `webkit`
  --skip-display       Don’t display the image in the terminal



Assuming you have a file unfold.js with this content

// Example from
const unfold = (f, seed) => {
  const go = (f, seed, acc) => {
    const res = f(seed)
    return res ? go(f, res[1], acc.concat([res[0]])) : acc
  return go(f, seed, [])

and you’d like to make a beautiful image out of it. You could approach this in several ways.


carbon-now unfold.js

Takes the entire source of unfold.js, uses Carbon’s default settings, and saves as .png into your cwd.


Fully customized

carbon-now unfold.js --interactive

Launches an interactive mode, prompting questions, allowing you to customize every aspect of Carbon, like syntax theme, font-family, padding, window controls, etc.

Given this input…

…the result will look like so 😍:

If you’re unsure what each question, e.g., “Make squared image?” refers to, simply confirm by hitting Enter — it will default to a sensible, nice-looking thing.

If needed, you can always check the default settings.

Note: carbon-now will be smart enough to re-use your last used settings instead of the default ones. 🤓


carbon-now unfold.js --start 3 --end 6

Reads and creates an image based on lines 3 to 6 instead of the entire file. Will throw an error if -s > -e.

Selective processing can of course be combined with interactive mode, as with any other option. 😊


Copying to clipboard

It is sometimes desired to just put the image in the clipboard, so that it can be instantly pasted into other apps (like Keynote 💻 or Twitter 🐦). This is what the --to-clipboard flag is for.

carbon-now unfold.js --to-clipboard

will copy the image to clipboard instead of downloading it to a given directory.

Please be aware that this requires some binaries to be present on certain OS.


xclip is required. You can install it via

sudo apt-get install xclip

Windows & macOS

It just works.

Input Sources

You’ll sometimes find yourself in a situation where you’d like to create an image based on a piece of code, but don’t want to create a file for it first.

In addition to files, carbon-now-cli therefore also accepts input coming from stdin or the clipboard.


pbpaste | carbon-now
echo '<h1>Hi</h1>' | carbon-now


carbon-now --from-clipboard

Full Example

For demonstration purposes, here is an example using most options.

carbon-now unfold.js --start 3 --end 6 --save-to ~/Desktop --save-as example-23 --interactive

This saves a beautiful image of lines 3 to 6 to ~/Desktop/example-23.png, after accepting custom wishes via interactive mode.

If you’re unsure how exactly the image will turn out, you can always use --open-in-browser.

carbon-now unfold.js --start 3 --end 6 --interactive --open-in-browser

This will open the image in the browser for final touches, instead of saving it immediately. 😌


Creating a preset

However you use the carbon-now command, a ~/.carbon-now.json file will be created for you. This is where all your presets and the settings of the last interactive run will live.

When running carbon-now with -i, you’ll be asked the following two questions last:

Answering with yes and naming the preset (in this case presentation) will result in the preset being saved to ~/.carbon-now.json. In this particular case, ~/.carbon-now.json will look like so:

  "latest-preset": {
    "theme": "base16-light",
    "backgroundColor": "white",
    "windowTheme": "none",
    "windowControls": true,
    "fontFamily": "Space Mono",
    "fontSize": "18px",
    "lineNumbers": false,
    "firstLineNumber": 1,
    "selectedLines": "*",
    "dropShadow": false,
    "dropShadowOffsetY": "20px",
    "dropShadowBlurRadius": "68px",
    "widthAdjustment": true,
    "lineHeight": "140%",
    "paddingVertical": "35px",
    "paddingHorizontal": "35px",
    "squaredImage": false,
    "watermark": false,
    "exportSize": "2x",
    "type": "png"
  "presentation": {
    "theme": "base16-light",
    "backgroundColor": "white",
    "windowTheme": "none",
    "windowControls": true,
    "fontFamily": "Space Mono",
    "fontSize": "18px",
    "lineNumbers": false,
    "firstLineNumber": 1,
    "selectedLines": "*",
    "dropShadow": false,
    "dropShadowOffsetY": "20px",
    "dropShadowBlurRadius": "68px",
    "widthAdjustment": true,
    "lineHeight": "140%",
    "paddingVertical": "35px",
    "paddingHorizontal": "35px",
    "squaredImage": false,
    "watermark": false,
    "exportSize": "2x",
    "type": "png"

latest-preset will be overwritten after each interactive run. presentation is meant to stay until you eventually decide to delete it manually.

Using a saved preset

Re-using presets is as easy and straight-forward as:

carbon-now unfold.js -p <name-of-preset>

If a given preset or ~/.carbon-now.json doesn’t exist, carbon-now-cli will fall back to the default settings.

Taken the presentation preset we have created above, all we have to do is:

carbon-now unfold.js -p presentation


Re-using the last used settings

It just works.

Any time you use -i, carbon-now-cli will automatically re-use those settings for its next run.

So you can carbon-now <file> -i and carbon-now <file> from there on — the output will always look as pretty as the one where you’ve used -i. 😊

Custom theme colors

From v2.0 onwards, carbon-now-cli supports the ability to define custom theme colors, i.e., what color e.g., variables, operators, attributes, etc. should have, allowing you to have complete control over how things look to the smallest detail.

Therefore, you have to provide a key called custom inside one of your presets that complies to the following type:

interface CarbonThemeHighlightsInterface {
  background?: string;
  text?: string;
  variable?: string;
  variable2?: string;
  variable3?: string;
  attribute?: string;
  definition?: string;
  keyword?: string;
  operator?: string;
  property?: string;
  number?: string;
  string?: string;
  comment?: string;
  meta?: string;
  tag?: string;

Here’s an example ~/.carbon-now.json config that has one preset hacker, which makes use of custom theme colors:

  "hacker": {
    "backgroundColor": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
    "windowTheme": "bw",
    "windowControls": true,
    "fontFamily": "Anonymous Pro",
    "fontSize": "18px",
    "lineNumbers": false,
    "firstLineNumber": 1,
    "dropShadow": false,
    "selectedLines": "*",
    "dropShadowOffsetY": "20px",
    "dropShadowBlurRadius": "68px",
    "widthAdjustment": true,
    "lineHeight": "133%",
    "paddingVertical": "30px",
    "paddingHorizontal": "30px",
    "squaredImage": false,
    "watermark": false,
    "exportSize": "2x",
    "type": "png",
    "custom": {
      "background": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)",
      "text": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "variable": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "variable2": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "attribute": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "definition": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "keyword": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "operator": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "property": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "number": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "string": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "comment": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "meta": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)",
      "tag": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)"
carbon-now unfold.js -p hacker



Please note that custom theme colors won’t be applied with --open-in-browser because they aren’t query string parameters but instead communicated to Carbon via localStorage, which is solely set inside the Playwright instance.

Local configs

It is possible to use local configuration files via the --config flag.

This is convenient if you’re using carbon-now-cli via a script and would like to share presets among the users of your project.

carbon-now unfold.js --config local-config.json -p dark

Local configs differ from ~/.carbon-now.json in the sense that they behave in a read-only manner, hence:

  1. local-config.json won’t be created if it doesn’t exist
  2. latest-preset will not be written to local-config.json


MIT © Miloš Sutanovac