
This is a comprehensive e-commerce full-stack application built using Next.js for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend. It provides functionality for user authentication, seller product management, and buyer shopping experience.


🛍ī¸ E-commerce Full Stack Application

This is a comprehensive e-commerce full-stack application built using Next.js for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend. It provides functionality for user authentication, seller product management, and buyer shopping experience.

😍 UI

🕹ī¸ Tech Stack


  • Next.js 14.2.6
  • React 18
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Additional libraries:
    • @hookform/resolvers
    • @radix-ui (for UI components)
    • axios (for API requests)
    • react-hook-form (for form handling)
    • zod (for schema validation)
    • zustand (for state management)


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL (pg driver)
  • Additional libraries:
    • bcryptjs (for password hashing)
    • jsonwebtoken (for JWT authentication)
    • cors (for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
    • dotenv (for environment variable management)

🎉 Features

User Authentication & Authorization

  • Role based dynamic routes based on user login.
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) used for maintaining user sessions.
  • Tokens securely stored on the client-side for persistent authentication.
  • Distinct user roles (seller and buyer) with different permissions and access levels.
  • Users can create accounts as either sellers or buyers.
  • Custom form validation enforced for enhanced security.
  • Passwords hashed using bcrypt before storage in the database.
  • Handled Unauthorized access for all roles.
  • Seamless one click logout feature.

Seller Functionality

  • Sellers can easily add new products with detailed information:
    • Product name
    • Category selection from predefined options
    • Rich text description support
    • Price setting with discount
  • Edit existing product details and update information in real-time.
  • Remove products from the marketplace with safeguards against accidental deletion.
  • Have access for his own added products only.

Buyer Functionality

  • Search functionality allowing users to find products by name or category.
  • Implemented advance debounced search functionality for better UI rendering.
  • Sort results automatically by acceding order on every request.
  • Buyer can have the flexibility for add to card with quantity directly from product card.
  • Remove items or adjust quantities directly from the cart table.
  • Persistent cart that saves items for logged-in users across sessions.
  • Added cart notification dot with cart count for real time updates.

Responsive Design

  • Fully responsive interface adaptable to various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  • Consistent user experience across different devices.

Security Features

  • HTTPS encryption for all data transmissions.
  • CSRF protection for form submissions.
  • Input validation and sanitization to prevent SQL injection and XSS attacks.

đŸĒ„ Best Practices

  • [✔ī¸] Input Validation: All user inputs are validated and sanitized using Zod before being processed or stored in the database.
  • [✔ī¸] Routing: Next.js file-based routing system is used effectively, with dynamic routes implemented where necessary.
  • [✔ī¸] Responsiveness: The application is designed to be responsive across various devices and screen sizes using Tailwind CSS.
  • [✔ī¸] Error Handling: Proper error handling is implemented for various scenarios, with clear and meaningful error messages returned to the client.
  • [✔ī¸] Code Quality: The codebase maintains high standards of readability and maintainability, with appropriate comments explaining complex logic.
  • [✔ī¸] Security: Best practices for security are followed, including secure authentication with JWT and bcrypt for password hashing.
  • [✔ī¸] State Management: Zustand is used for efficient and scalable state management on the frontend.
  • [✔ī¸] Form Handling: react-hook-form is utilized for efficient and performant form handling.
  • [✔ī¸] API Requests: Axios is used for making HTTP requests, providing a consistent interface for both browser and node.js environments.
  • [✔ī¸] UI Components: Shadcn UI is used for accessible and customizable UI components.

đŸ“Ļ Setup Instructions

Frontend Setup

  1. Clone and navigate to the client directory:

    git clone https://github.com/debrajhyper/e-commerce.git
    cd e-commerce/client
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root of the client directory and add:

    API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:5000/api // Backend server URL
  4. Run the development server:

    npm run dev
  5. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application.

Backend Setup

  1. Navigate to the server directory:

    cd e-commerce/server
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root of the server directory and add:

  4. Set up your PostgreSQL database and update the connection string in .env.

  5. Run the server:

    node serve.js

📃 API Documentation


POST /api/auth/signup

Create a new user account.

Request body:

  "email": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "role": "seller" | "buyer"

POST /api/auth/login

Log in to an existing account.

Request body:

  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"


  "token": "jwt_token",


GET /api/products

Get all products.


    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "category": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "price": number,
    "discount": number,
    "sellerId": "string"

GET /api/products/:id

Get a specific product by ID.


    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "category": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "price": "string",
    "discount": "string",
    "sellerId": "string"

POST /api/products

Create a new product (seller only).

Request body:

    "name": "string",
    "category": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "price": "string",
    "discount": "string"

PUT /api/products/:id

Update an existing product (seller only).

Request body:

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "category": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "price": "string",
    "discount": "string"

DELETE /api/products/:id

Delete a product (seller only).


GET /api/cart

Get the current user's cart.


        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "category": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "price": "string",
        "discount": "string",
        "quantity": number,
        "seller_id": number

POST /api/cart

Add a product to the cart.

Request body:

  "productId": "string",
  "quantity": number

DELETE /api/cart/:productId

Remove a product from the cart.

🗃ī¸ Project Structure

Frontend (Next.js)

├── public/
├── src/
│   ├── app/
│   |   ├── auth/
│   |   |   ├── login/
│   |   |   |   └── page.tsx
│   |   |   └── signup/
│   |   |       └── page.tsx
│   |   ├── buyer/
│   |   |   ├── cart/
│   |   |   |   └── page.tsx
│   |   |   └── dashboard/
│   |   |       └── page.tsx
│   |   ├── seller/
│   |   |   ├── add-product/
│   |   |   |   └── page.tsx
│   |   |   ├── dashboard/
│   |   |   |   └── page.tsx
│   |   |   └── edit-product/
│   |   |       └── page.tsx
│   |   ├── unauthorize/
│   |   ├── layout.tsx
│   |   ├── not-found.tsx
│   |   └── page.tsx
│   ├── components/
│   |   ├── ui/
│   |   ├── DashboardTitle.tsx
│   |   ├── ErrorAlert.tsx
│   |   ├── Footer.tsx
│   |   ├── Header.tsx
│   |   ├── ProductCard.tsx
│   |   ├── ProductCardLoading.tsx
│   |   ├── ProductCount.tsx
│   |   ├── ProductForm.tsx
│   |   └── SearchBar.tsx
│   ├── constants/
│   ├── helpers/
│   ├── hooks/
│   ├── lib/
│   ├── public/
│   ├── store/
│   ├── styles/
│   └── utils/
├── .eslintrc.json
├── next.config.js
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.js
├── tailwind.config.js
└── tsconfig.json

Backend (Node.js)

├── config/
│   └── database.js
├── controllers/
│   ├── authController.js
│   ├── cartController.js
│   └── productController.js
├── middleware/
│   └── auth.js
├── models/
│   ├── Cart.js
│   ├── Product.js
│   └── User.js
├── routes/
│   ├── auth.js
│   ├── cart.js
│   └── products.js
├── .env
├── package.json
└── server.js