
This repository contains information on how to create and use a MariaDB MaxScale NoSQL Listener with MariaDB Community Server.

MIT License


Get Started with MariaDB's NoSQL Listener

⚠️ [UNMAINTAINED] This repository has been moved and is currently maintained here. ⚠️

This repository contains information on how to create and use a MariaDB MaxScale NoSQL Listener with MariaDB Community Server.

This README will walk you through the process of using a MongoDB driver to connect to and communicate with MariaDB, which includes storing and manage NoSQL document data within MariaDB.

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. NoSQL Protocol Module
  3. Getting Started
  4. Exploring the Data
    1. Querying MariaDB
    2. MaxScale GUI
    3. MongoDB Shell
  5. Using the TODO Application Directly
  6. Support and contribution
  7. License


Before setting up this sample make sure you have the following installed on your machine.

NoSQL Protocol Module

The nosqlprotocol module allows a MariaDB server or cluster to be used as the backend of an application using a MongoDB client library. Internally, all documents are stored in a table containing two columns; an id column for the object id and a doc column for the document itself.

When the MongoDB® client application issues MongoDB protocol commands, either directly or indirectly via the client library, they are transparently converted into the equivalent SQL and executed against the MariaDB backend. The MariaDB responses are then in turn converted into the format expected by the MongoDB® client library and application.

For more information on the full capabilities see the documentation here.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your machine.

    $ git clone
  2. Create the container instances using Docker Compose.

    $ docker-compose up

    The command above will acquire Docker images and create four container instances.

    a. mxs - the official MariaDB MaxScale image.

    b. mdb - the official MariaDB Community server image.

    c. todo_client - a React.js web application that provides a user interface for managing tasks (on a todo list).

    d. todo_api - a Node.js application programming interface (API) that exposes REST endpoints for managing data within a database using the official MongoDB Node Driver.

    Note: You can confirm that the docker-compose up command has successfully pulled the images and created the containers by executing the following command:

    $ docker ps

    The result should show that the mxs, mdb, todo_client and todo_api are running.

  3. Add a new user that MaxScale can use to connect to and communicate with MariaDB Community Server. For this you have two options.

    a. Option 1: Connecting to the MariaDB Community Server instance, contained within the mdb container, and using the MariaDB command-line client contained within the container, via docker, to execute the script, add_maxscale_user.sql.

    $ docker exec -i mdb mariadb --user root -pPassword123! < configuration/add_maxscale_user.sql

    b. Option 2: Connecting to the MariaDB Community Server instance, contained within the mdb container, using the MariaDB command-line client on your machine to execute the script, add_maxscale_user.sql.

    $ mariadb --host --port 3307 --user root -pPassword123! < configuration/add_maxscale_user.sql
  4. Replace the MaxScale configuration file and restart the MaxScale service

    a. Replace the MaxScale the default configuration file with the configuration file included in the dev-example-nosql-listener repository.

    $ docker cp configuration/maxscale.cnf mxs:etc/maxscale.cnf

    b. Restart the MaxScale service within the mxs container.

    $ docker exec -it mxs maxscale-restart
  5. Open a browser window and navigate to http://localhost:3000, which will load the TODO web application interface.

    The TODO application is made of two pieces:

    1. UI - a React.js project that is hosted within the todo_client container and accessed at

    2. API - a Node.js (+ Express) project that exposes REST endpoints for performing CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations on (JSON) document data stored, via the MaxScale NoSQL Listener functionality, within MariaDB. The API application is hosted within the todo_api container and access at

    The TODO application can be used to manage data within MariaDB

Exploring the Data

After you've successfully walked through the setup instructions within Getting Started you're now able to explore the NoSQL Listener capabilities within MariaDB.

Querying MariaDB

If you've used the TODO application to add new tasks you can now explore the schema and data that have been added.

You can connect to the MariaDB Community Server instance, contained within the mdb container, directly by using the MariaDB client.

$ mariadb --host --port 3307 --user root -pPassword123!

or by using the MariaDB client, via Docker, that's included within the mdb container.

$ docker exec -it mdb mariadb --user root -pPassword123!

Once you've accessed through the MariaDB CLI client you see the database, named todo, that's been created.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
| todo               |

Stepping into the todo database you can also see the new table, tasks, that has been created to store the document data.

MariaDB [(none)]> use todo;
MariaDB [todo]> show create table tasks;
| Table | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| tasks | CREATE TABLE `tasks` (
  `id` varchar(35) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_compact(json_extract(`doc`,'$._id'))) VIRTUAL,
  `doc` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL CHECK (json_valid(`doc`)),
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
  CONSTRAINT `id_not_null` CHECK (`id` is not null)

Notice, that the tasks table contains two columns:

  • id: holds the document data object id
  • doc: holds the document data itself

And you can query the data, using SQL, just as you can anything else within MariaDB.

MariaDB [todo]> select * from tasks;
| id                                  | doc                                                                                                                      |
| {"$oid":"612ad5859c58d2b2b46ca6fa"} | {"description": "Task 1", "_id": {"$oid": "612ad5859c58d2b2b46ca6fa"}, "id": "612ad5859c58d2b2b46ca6fa", "completed": 0} |
| {"$oid":"612aec0aaa1de377a7071d92"} | {"description": "Task 2", "_id": {"$oid": "612aec0aaa1de377a7071d92"}, "id": "612aec0aaa1de377a7071d92", "completed": 1} |
| {"$oid":"612aec10aa1de377a7071d93"} | { "description" : "Task 3", "_id" : { "$oid" : "612aec10aa1de377a7071d93", completed: 0} }                                            |
| {"$oid":"612aec4b923b0597463743f0"} | {"description": "Task 4", "_id": {"$oid": "612aec4b923b0597463743f0"}, "id": "612aec4b923b0597463743f0", "completed": 1} |

You can even take advantage of MariaDB's JSON querying functionality support.

MariaDB [todo]> select json_value(doc, '$.description') description, json_value(doc, '$.completed') completed from tasks;
| description | completed |
| Task 1      | 0         |
| Task 2      | 1         |
| Task 3      | 0         |
| Task 4      | 1         |

MaxScale GUI

The MaxScale graphical user interface (GUI) provides another way you that you can explore the data.

Logging In

Start by opening a browser window and navigating to http://localhost:8989. There you'll be prompted to login.

Note: The default username is admin and the password is maxscale.


After you've logged in you'll be taken to a dashboard that gives you information on MaxScale, including the service and listener configuration information.

Query Editor

On the left side navigation you can select the "Query Editor" menu option.

Then you'll be prompted for connection information. For this you can connect directly to a server and/or schema within MariaDB.

For example:

After you've connected you can use the Query Editor to execute SQL queries, display datasets and even visualize the data using graphs and charts.

MongoDB Shell

You can also use the Mongo shell client to connect to and communicate with MariaDB (via MaxScale). You can find more information on how to do so here.

Using the TODO Application Directly

Optionally, if you'd prefer to run the TODO app directly on your machine, rather than through a container, can do the following:

  1. Make sure that you've installed the latest version of Node.js and Node Package Manager (NPM).

  2. Install the node modules for the client and api applications.

    Within a terminal...

    a. Navigate to app/client and execute:

    $ npm install

    b. Navigate to app/api and execute:

    $ npm install
  3. Update the MongoDB driver connection string in app/api/db.js to 'mongodb://'.

  4. Start the client and api applications.

    Within separate terminals...

    a. Navigate to app/client and execute:

    $ npm start

    b. Navigate to app/api and execute:

    $ npm start

Support and Contribution

Please feel free to submit PR's, issues or requests to this project project or projects within the official MariaDB Corporation GitHub organization.

If you have any other questions, comments, or looking for more information on MariaDB please check out:

Or reach out to us diretly via:
