
Display stat card anywhere

MIT License


DEV Stats

That's mine, want yours? It's easy! Follow these steps:

  • Star this repo (optional, but it makes me )

  • Select one below to deploy this repo to your platform of choice

  • Generate your DEV API key

  • Add it as an environment variable named API_KEY (for Heroku you need to configure this variable in the settings after deployed)

  • Deploy and enjoy the result!


The service accepts these query parameters as inputs to customize the stat card:

  • lang=en - localize the card. Add your language in i18n.json
  • background=fff - set the card's background color
  • text=000 - set the card's text color
  • chartColors=dc67ab,dc67ce,a367dc,6771dc,67b7dc,fff - set the chart colors, the last one is the labels' color


Dark theme:


Customized chart colors:



I would appreciate it, feel free to open pull requests to contribute if you like it and have more amazing ideas for further features.

Extracted from project README
DEV-stats Deploy with Vercel Deploy with Heroku