
This framework wraps around the Discord.js package to make creating a bot with Slash Commands as easy as possible.



This framework wraps around the Discord.js package to make creating a bot with Slash Commands as easy as possible. The main purpose is to remove the strain of trying to figure out how to use Slash Commands.


Please submit issues if you find a bug, have some valuable feedback or feature requests, or if you have a question. Feel free to create a pull request if you would like to directly contribute to the project!

Getting Started

First things first, require this package:

const { DiscordCommand, DiscordEvent } = require("@medallyon/djs-framework");

Before using any of the examples below, we also need to create a Discord.js Client instance, as per the documentation:

const { Client, Intents } = require("discord.js");

// Create the client
const client = new Client({
    // Don't forget your Intents
    intents: [ Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES ]

// You can call login whenever
    .then(() => console.log("I'm logged in!"))

Discord Events

Setup event listeners and pass in middleware functions. See discord.js#Client for a list of events and their arguments.

To setup an event listener for, say, the messageCreate event:

// Create a middleware function for an event
function log({ author, content })
    console.log(`${author.username}: "${content}"`);
    // Prints: Medallyon: "There is no way a bee should be able to fly."

// Then, create a new DiscordEvent instance and supply the Event Name, the Client, and any Options
new DiscordEvent("messageCreate", client, { middleware: [ log ] });


// Create your DiscordEvent instance and store it
const onMessageCreate = new DiscordEvent("messageCreate", client);

// And register any middleware after creating your DiscordEvent

Note that the messageCreate event will become a privileged intent starting April 30, 2022.

Note that events with the same name will be de-duplicated and destroyed.

Slash Commands

You can easily create slash commands with this framework. Here is an example:

// Create a class that inherits DiscordCommand for your chosen Command
class Ping extends DiscordCommand
        super(client, {
            name: "ping",
            description: "Pong!",

            // The 'interaction' property defines your Slash Command
            interaction: {
                options: [
                        type: Constants.ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.BOOLEAN,
                        name: "pong",
                        description: "Pong?",
                        required: false

    // The 'run' method is always required
    async run(interaction)
        // The bot responds with "Pong!" or "Ping?..." based on if the user supplied the 'pong' option
        const pong = interaction.options.getBoolean("pong") ? "Ping?..." : "Pong!";
        await interaction.reply({ content: pong });

// Create an instance of your custom Command
new Ping(client);

Once you're happy with your Command modules, call DiscordEvent.updateInteractions:

// Call this to update your Slash Commands after you have declared all of your custom Commands
DiscordCommand.updateInteractions(process.env.DISCORD_BOT_ID, process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN);



The constructor for DiscordEvent takes 3 arguments:

  • eventName | <string> - the Event Name to subscribe to. See discord.js#Client for a list of events.
  • client | <Discord.Client> - the Discord.js Client instance that you will use as the main client throughout your project
  • options | <Object> (optional)
    • on | <string> - a choice between "on" or "once". Read up on what this means here.
    • middleware | <Array<function>> - an array of middleware functions that should be executed when this event is triggered


  • name | <string> - the event name for this event listener
  • client | <Discord.Client> - the Discord.js Client
  • on | <string> - the method of subscription to this event
  • middleware | <Array<function>> - the Array of middleware functions that are run when this event is triggered



This method adds a function to the list of middleware functions that are executed when the event for a particular event listener is triggered. It takes 1 argument:

  • cb | <function> - the middleware callback function for this event. Any arguments are passed into the function depending on the type of event.

This method destroys this event listener. It takes no arguments.


The constructor for DiscordCommand takes 2 arguments:

  • client | <Discord.Client> - the Discord.js Client
  • meta | <Object> - info associated with this command
    • name | <string> - the name of the command
    • description | <string> - a description for this command
    • interaction | <Object> - an Application Command Object
    • system (optional) - whether this is a system-only command. If true | <bool>, this command will not be added as a Slash Command.
    • example | <string> (optional) - an example string of how this command might be used


  • client | <Discord.Client> - the Discord.js Client
  • name | <string> - the name of this command
  • description | <string> - the description for this command
  • interaction | <Object?> - the Application Command object for this interaction


  • id | <Snowflake?> - the ID of this command



When constructing your Command class, you should put any logic for your command in here. This method takes 1 argument: