
No dependency better logging for your node app

GPL-3.0 License


LOG Build Status

No dependency better logging for your node app



npm install indent-log

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Run the logger via:

const Log = require('indent-log');

Log.banner( 'My app started' );
Log.info( 'Server running at #', IPandPort );


You got a bunch of logs to chose from:

Log.banner('Banner log');
Log.ok('Ok log');
Log.error('Error log');
Log.info('Info log');
Log.done('Done log');
Log.verbose('Verbose log');
Log.time('Time log');

Log.hr() will output a line that will fill the terminal and a line break before and after.


You can add variables by adding them as arguments. Each placeholder # will be replaced one by one with those variables. If you don’t have enough placeholder the variables will be appended at the end:

Log.info( 'running function in folder # to find #', 'folder', 'needle' );

Log.info( 'running function in folder # to find #', 'folder' );

Log.info( 'running function in folder # to find #', 'folder', 'needle', 42, [ 'one', 'two' ] );

All variables are colored yellow to make reading easier.


Logs that run over the space you have in your terminal will automatically indent on the next line:

Log.info('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ' +
'ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation\nullamco laboris ' +
'nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit ' +
'esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in ' +
'culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.');

This can be disabled in the disableIndent setting.


You can register a callback for one or more log types.

Log.callbacks.error = ( text, vars, type ) => DoSomething( text, vars, type );

Now every time you call Log.error the DoSomething function will also be run. This can be useful for error logging, notifications etc.

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You can extend the vocabulary of the log yourself by adding a flag and wrapping the Log.Output function:

Log.flags.monkey = ' πŸ’  monkey business: ';

Log.monkey = ( text, ...vars ) => console.log( Log.Style.magenta( Log.Output( 'monkey', text, vars ) ) ),

Log.banner('Monkey business starting now!');
Log.monkey('Hey hey!!!');

Registering a new flag will now ensure all other flags are indented to the largest flag unless it is disabled via the disableIndent setting.

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You can change the default settings via:

Log.pretty = true;

An example would be:

const Log = require('indent-log');

if( process.argv.includes('-v') || process.argv.includes('--verbose') ) {
	Log.verboseMode = true;


(boolean) default: false

Toggle verbose output.


(string) default: ``

You can filter the verbose output with this regex string. If you want to show only messages with the word foo then you’d use:

Log.verboseFilter = 'foo';

If you want to filter all messages that begin with bar you’d use:

Log.verboseFilter = '^bar';

An example script for your cli app would be:

if( process.argv.includes('-v') || process.argv.includes('--verbose') ) {
	Log.verboseMode = true;

	const flagParam = ( process.argv.indexOf('-v') !== -1 ? process.argv.indexOf('-v') : process.argv.indexOf('--verbose') ) + 1;
	const verboseFilter = process.argv[ flagParam ] && process.argv[ flagParam ].startsWith('-') ? undefined : process.argv[ flagParam ];

	if( verboseFilter ) {
		Log.verboseFilter = verboseFilter;

Now the user can use your app with an optional filter like:

yourapp -v onlythisstring

And Log will filter by this word.


(array) default: [ 'time' ]

All messages are indented by the largest flag of all types. You can disable a particular type if that type has a very large flag that would make indentation of all other look ridicules. Below is what it looks like by default because the type time has it's indent disabled.

Log.banner('Banner log');
Log.ok('Ok log');
Log.error('Error log');
Log.info('Info log');
Log.done('Done log');
Log.verbose('Verbose log');
Log.time('Time log');

This is what it would look like if you enabled all indentation and included time:

Log.disableIndent = [];

Log.banner('Banner log');
Log.ok('Ok log');
Log.error('Error log');
Log.info('Info log');
Log.done('Done log');
Log.verbose('Verbose log');
Log.time('Time log');


πŸ””  INFO: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do "var!"
          eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
          veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.


πŸ””  INFO:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do "var!" eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud


(boolean) default: false

Enable pretty printing of variables.


πŸ”₯  ERROR: The cause:


πŸ”₯  ERROR: The cause:
            "thing": "because",
            "more": {
             "evenmore": [
               "reason": "buffer"



The flags are the strings shown in front of each message. The defaults are:

Log.flags = {
	banner: ` πŸ“£  `,
	error: ` πŸ”₯  ERROR: `,
	info: ` πŸ””  INFO: `,
	ok: ` πŸ‘  `,
	done: ` πŸš€  DONE: `,
	time: ` πŸ•  [${ Log.Style.bold('#timestamp#') }]`,
	verbose: ` 😬  VERBOSE: `,

The string #timestamp# is replaced with the current timestamp.

Do note that emojis in node have a very complex way of aligning in the character set. Make sure you either use them consistently or not at all. Calculating the length of a string that contains emojis is difficult and would warrant a dependency like grapheme-splitter. I am trying to keep this package dependency free though.



The callbacks are a collection of functions for each log. The defaults are empty:

Log.callbacks = {
	banner: void( 0 ),
	error: void( 0 ),
	info: void( 0 ),
	ok: void( 0 ),
	done: void( 0 ),
	time: void( 0 ),
	hr: void( 0 ),
	verbose: void( 0 ),

If you want the error log eg to do something special every time it’s run, this is where you can do that. Each function has the following parameter passed to it:

@param  {string} text - The message
@param  {array}  vars - All variables passed to the message
@param  {string} type - The type of message

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To run the tests for this package run npm test. Jest will run unit tests. There is also a npm run test:watch script that can be used while developing.

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Release History


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Copyright (c) Dominik Wilkowski. Licensed under GNU-GPLv3.

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