
This is Full Working E commerce Site ( Boilerplate and Configuration Enabled ) With Admin Page Integrated

MIT License


Still not stable for production ⚠️

I am not open for any paid support for this project as it recommended by some. If you need any help with this project please submit an issue with mentioning me (as I am not watching this repo) in it. Thanks

If you want to help supporting and maintaining this project. Please mail me at [email protected]



Live Demo 📺

Click here to see live demo .

Click here to see the admin site live demo


  • Authentication with OAuth
  • Live Search
  • Cart
  • Checkout Item Changing
  • Instant Buy
  • Payment with razorpay
  • Live Chat using
  • Password reset using mail ( using nodemailer )
  • Contact us form
  • Categories With Subcategories
  • Dynamic Content
  • Newsletter
  • Admin Panel


  • Location Based Product Searching : issue#2
  • Tests
  • Admin Panel - analytics system for sales and visitors issue#6
  • Product Review Panel issue#5


  • NodeJS - Server
  • ExpressJS - Nodejs framework
  • MongoDB - Database
  • HTML, CSS, JS, EJS - Frontend
  • PM2 - Clustering
  • Firebase - Firestore for Session Storage


  • Clone the repo
  • Check the editing_Guide.txt for editing refs
  • $ npm install

For Main Ecommerce site

  • $ npm i -g nodemon
  • $ nodemon server to run the server in local development
  • $ npm run start to run the server in production

For Admin Site

  • $ cd Admin_Site
  • $ npm i -g nodemon
  • $ nodemon server to run the server in local development
  • $ npm run start to run the server in production


Please go through the configs folder to edit the configuration , APIs and .env variables

  • $ cd configs for main site configs editing
  • $ cd Admin_Site and then in config.js change the values
  • Refer EDITING_GUIDE for more editing details

Road To Awesome Releases 📰

First Major - v1

  • To address all the issues with label v1 Check Here
  • Tests for most of the modules
  • Better Live Demo Issue#14


  • Better Docs
  • Recommendation System

Few more are there but quite not sure about them, will add it here if required


  • Migration to Typescript
  • Frontend in React
  • Query Using Graphql

More To Come


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Aniketh Saha

Use It As You Want 😃

Refer for more info LICENSE