
A basic site for managing event centers and scheduling events.

APACHE-2.0 License



A simple site for managing event-centers and scheduling events.

See EventsManagerIO running here.

Made With


* Bootstrap4 for UI styling
* React for managing UI states
* Redux for flux-like app development
* SASS for custom styling
* Webpack & Uglifyjs for bundling and load-time optimization


* Nodejs for server-side logic
* Express for api routes implementation
* Json Web Tokens for session authentication
* Postgresql & Sequelize for database management
* Heroku for hosting services

Continuous Integration

* Travis CI & Codeclimate for test automation
* Coveralls for test coverage report
* Hounds CI for linting report

Test-Driven Development

* Mocha & Chai for api route testing
* Jest & Enzyme for UI testing
* Nightwatch & Selenium for end-to-end testing


  • Install Nodejs and Postgres SQL
  • Clone this repo git clone
  • Run npm install to install the required dependencies
  • Run npm test to fireup the tests
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000/

Available Task Runners


* start  required for starting the server on Heroku; transpiles project and runs it from output folder


* server   transpiles the project on the fly and runs the server
* server:watch  watches for file changes, transpiles them and runs the server
* webpack:watch  watches and bundles react project on the fly
* build:client:dev  sets NODE_ENV to development and builds react project using config file
* build:client:prod  sets NODE_ENV to production and builds react project using config file
* build:client:dev:watch  sets NODE_ENV to development and watches and bundles react project
* build:client:prod:watch  sets NODE_ENV to production and watches and bundles react project
* lint  runs the linter on .js and .jsx files
* sass:watch  watches the scss folder and transpiles the scss files to css on the fly


  • test sets NODE_ENV to test runs all tests "npm run test:api & npm run test:react",
  • test:api demigrates and remigrates test database; sets NODE_ENV to test; runs tests related to api endpoints; and creates a test report
  • test:e2e sets NODE_ENV to test and runs end-to-end unit tests
  • test:client sets NODE_ENV to test and runs react tests
  • test:api:migrate sets NODE_ENV to test and migrates test database
  • test:api:demigrate sets NODE_ENV to test and demigrates test database

Available APIs

  • API routes for users to create accounts and login to the application

    • POST : /api/v1/users (username, fullname, password, email)
    • POST : /api/v1/users/login (username, password)
  • An API route for logging out user

    • POST : /api/v1/users/logout
  • An API route that allow users to add new event

    • POST : /api/v1/events
  • An API route that allow users to modify an event

    • PUT : /api/v1/events/<eventId>
  • An API route that allow users to delete an event

    • DELETE : /api/v1/events/<eventId>
  • An API route that allow users to gets all available event centers

    • GET : /api/v1/centers
  • An API route that allow users to gets more details on a particualar event center

    • GET : /api/v1/centers/<centerId>
  • An API route that allow admin users to add new event centers

    • POST : /api/v1/centers
  • An API route that allow admin users to modify existing event centers

    • PUT : /api/v1/centers

Check here for full documentation.


Apache License 2.0


LANDING PAGE Eventsmanager Screenshot

LOGIN Eventsmanager Screenshot

PROFILE Eventsmanager Screenshot

DIALOG Eventsmanager Screenshot

Extracted from project README
Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability codecov Swagger API License
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