
A full stack application


Deployed Website.

  • [Note: the website may take a few seconds to load as rendering can be slow]

Access Instructions

To quickly access the demo, use the following credentials:

  • Username: 1234
  • Password: 1234

Website Demo

Bookshop Web Application Description

The Bookshop Web Application follows a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) style for managing books.

Here's an explanation of how each operation is supported:


  • Users can add new books to the bookshop by filling out a form. The application provides a route, '/form', which displays a form for adding a new book.
  • Upon submitting the form, the application processes the data and adds the book to the database using the 'POST /add' route.


  • Users can view a list of books available in the bookshop. The application provides a route, '/', which displays a homepage with a login form.
  • Once logged in, the user is redirected to the home page ('/home'), where they can view the list of books.
  • Clicking on a book title in the list redirects the user to the '/details/:id' route, which displays the details of that specific book.


  • Users can update the information of a book. On the book's details page ('/details/:id'), there should be an "Update" or "Edit" button.
  • Clicking on the button will take the user to the '/details/:id/update' route, where they can modify the book's information using a form.
  • Upon submitting the form, the application processes the updated data and updates the book in the database using the 'POST /details/:id/update' route.


  • Users can delete a book from the bookshop. On the book's details page ('/details/:id'), there should be a "Delete" or "Remove" button.
  • Clicking on the button will prompt a confirmation message to ensure the user wants to delete the book.
  • If confirmed, the application processes the request and deletes the book from the database using the 'GET /details/:id/delete' route.

The Bookshop Web Application utilizes Node.js, Koa, Handlebars (hbs), and SQL to implement these CRUD operations, enabling users to effectively manage their books and book-related information. The use of a database ensures easy retrieval and updating of information.

The HTTP and Routes:

  • GET '/' - displays the homepage, which includes a login form
  • GET '/details/:id' - displays details for a specific book
  • GET '/form' - displays a form to add a new book (accessible only for logged-in users)
  • POST '/add' - adds a new book to the database (accessible only for logged-in users)
  • GET '/details/:id/update' - displays a form to update a book (accessible only for logged-in users)
  • POST '/details/:id/update' - updates a book in the database (accessible only for logged-in users)
  • GET '/details/:id/delete' - deletes a book from the database (accessible only for logged-in users)
  • GET '/login' - displays a login form
  • POST '/login' - authenticates a user and sets a session
  • GET '/home' - displays a home page for a logged-in user (accessible only for logged-in users)
  • GET '/register' - displays a registration form
  • POST '/register' - registers a new user in the database
  • The application uses bcrypt to hash and compare passwords, and it utilizes the koa-session middleware to manage user sessions. The crypto module is used to generate a session secret key.

User Stories

The Bookshop Web Application has the following User Stories:

- As a new user, I want to be able to register for an account.
- As a registered user, I want to be able to log in to my account.
- As a user, I want to be able to view a list of books available in the bookshop.
- As a user, I want to be able to view more details about a book.
- As a registered user, I want to be able to add a new book to the bookshop.
- As a registered user, I want to be able to update a book in the bookshop.
- As a registered user, I want to be able to delete a book from the bookshop.
- As a user, I want to be able to leave comments on books in the bookshop, 
  including my username, the date, and the time of the comment.

Technologies Used

The Bookshop Web Application was built using the following technologies:

  • Node.js: The application is built using Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment.
  • Koa: It uses the Koa web framework, which is a lightweight framework for handling HTTP requests and responses.
  • bcrypt: A module used for password hashing and comparison. It helps secure user passwords by applying one-way hashing algorithms.
  • koa-session: A middleware that enables session management in Koa applications. It provides session-based authentication and session data storage.
  • koa-router: A module that handles routing in Koa applications. It matches incoming requests to specific routes and executes corresponding handler functions.
  • koa-static: A middleware that serves static files, such as CSS and client-side JavaScript, in Koa applications.
  • koa-hbs-renderer: A module that integrates Handlebars (hbs) as the templating engine in Koa applications. Handlebars allows generating dynamic HTML templates.
  • koa-bodyparser: A middleware that parses the request body and makes it available in Koa applications. It allows extracting data from forms or JSON payloads.
  • sqlite3: A module used to interact with SQLite, a lightweight relational database. It enables the application to perform CRUD operations on the books table.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Future Improvements
  • Credits
  • Author
  • Screenshot


To install the Bookshop Web Application, please follow these steps:

To set up and run the project locally, please follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.

  2. Clone the project repository by running the following command:

git clone [email protected]:fadumasaidcodes/Full-stack_project-Crud_book.git

  1. Once the cloning process is complete, navigate to the cloned project directory using the following command:
cd Full-stack_project-Crud_book

  1. Now, open a new terminal within Visual Studio Code. You can do this by selecting "View" > "Terminal" or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+` (backtick). In the terminal, install the project's dependencies by running the following command:
npm install

Once the installation is complete, you can start the project locally by running the following command:

node index.js

  1. The project will now be running locally. To access it, open your web browser and enter the following URL:


To use the Bookshop Web Application, please follow these steps:

To access the application:

  • Open the Bookshop Web Application by navigating to https://book-tg75.onrender.com/. The homepage with the login form will be displayed.

  • If you are a new user, click on the "Register" link to access the registration form. Fill out the form with your desired username, password, and any other required information.

  • If you are a registered user, enter your username and password in the login form on the homepage.

  • After successfully logging in, you will be redirected to the home page ('/home').

  • From the home page, you can view a list of books available in the bookshop.

  • Clicking on a book title in the list will take you to the details page for that specific book ('/details/:id').

  • If you are a registered user, you can add a new book by clicking on the "Add Book" button, which will take you to the '/form' route. Fill out the book information form and submit it to add the book to the database.

  • On the details page, there should be buttons or links specifically for updating and deleting the book. Look for an "Update" or "Edit" button/link to update the book's information, and a "Delete" button/link to delete the book.

  • To update the book, click on the "Update" or "Edit" button/link on the details page. This will take you to the '/details/:id/update' route, where you can modify the book's information, such as the title, ISBN, or description. Once you have made the desired changes, you can submit the updated information.

  • To delete the book, click on the "Delete" button/link on the details page. This will prompt a confirmation message to ensure you want to delete the book. If you confirm the deletion, the book will be permanently removed from the database.

  • Remember, certain routes and actions are only accessible to logged-in users. If you are not logged in, you will only have access to the registration and login routes. Once you log in, you will have access to the full functionality of the application.


Future Improvements

The Bookshop Web Application has the following areas that could be improved:

  • Add search functionality to the book list page.
  • Implement pagination for the book list page.
  • Allow users to upload book images.
  • Add authentication middleware to protect the routes that require login.
  • Improve the UI/UX of the application.


The following resources were used in the development of the Bookshop Web Application:


The Bookshop Web Application was developed by Faduma Ibrahim. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.